Welcome to my webpage!

Email: r.maresca@bowdoin.edu

Office: Searles Science Building 202

Department of Mathematics

Bowdoin College

8600 College Station

Brunswick, ME 04011 

About me: My name is Ray Maresca and I'm an Assistant Professor at Bowdoin College. I previously attained a B.S. in Mathematics, along with an M.S. in Applied Mathematics/Data Analytics from Manhattan College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Brandeis University under the supervision of Kiyoshi Igusa. I enjoy spending as much time as I can outdoors, playing guitar, and health/fitness. 

Research Interests: I currently study the representation theory of quivers (associative algebras) using techniques from combinatorics, category theory, geometric group theory, and algebraic geometry. Recently, I've been particularly interested in exceptional collections and their applications/generalizations, simple-minded collections, and Gabriel-Roiter theory.