
I am an award-winning educator who is committed to quality teaching that champions DEI best practices.

Teaching Experience 

George Mason University

Numerical Analysis II: Spring 2024

Upper-level undergraduate course on numerical differentiation and integration, initial-value and boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations, methods of solution of partial differential equations, iterative methods of solution of nonlinear systems, and approximation theory.

Numerical Analysis I: Fall 2023

Upper-level undergraduate course on significant figures, round-off errors, iterative methods of solution of nonlinear equations of a single variable, solutions of linear systems, iterative techniques in matrix algebra, interpolation, and polynomial approximation. 

Johns Hopkins University

Mathematical Biology: Spring 2022, Spring 2023

Senior undergraduate/graduate level course on dynamical systems in mathematical biology, focused on finding and exploring stability of fixed points/equilibria. The course covers discrete and ordinary and partial differential equations and includes review reports and presentations of research papers in mathematical biology.

Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Biologists: Fall 2021

Upper-level undergraduate course divided into half-semesters of probability and statistics as the only course that will be taken by biological sciences students.

University of Delaware

Calculus I: Winter 2020

Introductory undergraduate course taught as a 5-week winter session class. The course included a recitation section. Along with homework, quizzes, and exams, the class used entrance and exit tickets to quickly check student progress and to inform Just-In-Time teaching.

Teaching Assistant, Calculus II, Discussion and Lab: Fall 2018, Fall 2019

Teaching Assistant, Calculus I, Discussion: Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017

Recipient of the 2018 Baxter-Sloyer Graduate Teaching Award (University of Delaware)

More information: CV