
Hacettepe University

Ph.D. - Computer Engineering; GPA: 3.54

In my Ph.D. program, I am focused on deep learning and machine learning techniques. I am a member of the IONOLAB group ( ) thesis title is: “Modeling of the IONOSPHERE disturbances using deep learning techniques

Hacettepe University

MSc - Computer Engineering; GPA: 3.75

I started my Master of Science Study in the Department of Computer Engineering in February of 2012. My MSc thesis title is: “A New

Metric for Adaptive Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”

Azad University

BSc - Computer Engineering; GPA: 3.53

I have done my bachelor’s in Azad University and remarked as the 1st student in the computer engineering program with a remarkable average grade; 3.53/4. I have worked on Wireless Sensor Networks and simulated a wireless sensor network as the final project in my undergraduate study.