Requirement-Driven Architecture for Service-Oriented e-Learning Systems


The continuous evolving of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) requirements, more specifically Functional Requirements, increases the complexity of TEL software system since such requirements cannot be met by one TEL/e-learning solution. In addition to the traditional Virtual Learning Environments/Learning Management Systems capabilities, such Functional Requirements include: video streaming, plagiarism checker for students’ submissions, e-portfolio, etc. Therefore, combining various e-learning software systems, solutions, or tools seems more realistic. However, a limited effort has been done to investigate and control the impact of combining different solutions on the quality, i.e., Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs), of the overall e-learning software system. This paper proposes a new approach to elicit, precisely specify, and manage NFRs for TEL software systems. To meet these capabilities (i.e., Functional Requirements and Non-Functional Requirements), this paper also proposes a flexible service-oriented architecture for e-learning systems. The proposed list of NFRs is comprehensive and can be customized to various e-learning systems to meet stakeholders’ requirements. Moreover, the proposed architecture needs to be further developed to test its impact on TEL software systems in real scenarios.

Keywords: Technology Enhanced Learning; e-learning; architecture; Non-Functional Requirements; Software architecture; SOA; Web Services