RaW (Researching and Writing) skills can be daunting, especially when preparing for a research paper or a senior capstone project. To assist in preparing students for researching and writing, the Library and No'eau Center have teamed up to offer a 4-part workshop series on researching and writing skills. Join us throughout the semester to strengthen your RaW skills!
Identifying your Topic
This episode focuses on methods to identify and refine a topic and where to find background information.
The Research Process
This episode focuses on best practices for starting your research process, as well as strategies to find scholarly sources for your topic.
Outlining, Writing, Re-writing
This episode highlights strategies to use when beginning to write your essay along with tools for crafting a paragraph.
Citations & Polishing
This episode illustrates how to tackle finishing an essay by offering guidance on creating citations and references as well as tips on revising.
You must be signed into your UH-gmail account to access and complete the quizzes. Graded copies of your submission will be returned to you immediately. Students have the option to meet one-on-one with a librarian or tutor to discuss their quiz activities in more detail - just email us if you'd like to set that up.
The last day to complete workshop activities is: Friday, May 9 at 11:59PM.
If you have any questions, please email the RaW Skills Team at uhworaw@hawaii.edu.
Register below to get regular updates about the series and upcoming deadlines!
RaW Registration Form
Take a look at the Research Process
Learn more about the process and get access to different resources throughout each step, provided by our library here.
Before Getting Started
It is highly encouraged you take a look at our brief success tips to ensure you get the most out of the RaW workshops.
Suggested Timeline
We encourage you to complete the workshop as you working on a specific assignment.
Episode 1: This workshop is recommended in the beginning stages of the writing assignment. You may have not started any formal research for your topic.
Episode 2: This workshop is recommended once a topic has been solidified and you are beginning your formal research.
Episode 3: This workshop is recommended once you have collected and reviewed your research sources, and are beginning your first outline/draft.
Episode 4: This workshop is recommended once you have completed a solid draft and, ideally, one revision.
Academic Honesty
Students may be offered extra credit from many teachers over the course of their studies. Only one quiz for each episode needs to be submitted each semester, even if you are receiving extra credit from multiple instructors. If students are re-taking the quizzes in different semesters, it is important that they approach the quizzes with a fresh perspective showing the growth they've developed since the previous semester. Copying and pasting responses is considered to be self-plagiarism, which is a form of academic dishonesty. Copied qualitative responses will result in reduced scores.
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