




PhD Supervisor

Rajesh Gupta is a Professor in Department of Energy Science & Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. He did his M.Sc., M.Tech., and Ph.D. from IIT Delhi. After his Ph.D., he worked in Photovoltaic Group of Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany. Later, he worked in PV company at Germany. Recently, he has completed multi-institute India-UK joint project (STAPP), which involved many institutes of India and UK along with many companies. For this project, he has received Indo-UK research excellence award from Confederation of Indian Industry and British Council. His main research interests are characterization, reliability, and performance of solar cells and modules. 

Contact Details:

Tel: +91-22-25767837 (Off.) 


Research Interest

Research Work


Solar energy is an ultimate source of energy on the earth i.e., fossil fuels or plant matter is essentially just stored solar energy from millions of years ago which is going to die out soon. Wind energy which causes by flow of air currents also created by differential heating of atmosphere and rotation of earth. Hydro-power energy created using potential energy of flowing water also depends on the evaporation of water caused by sun, it returns back to dams in the form of rain. So sun is ultimate source of energy on earth from millions of years.

Population is growing very fast and demand for energy is increasing day by day. Fossil fuels storage, a major source of energy is limited on earth which are being exploited very fast and will be ended soon. Hydro-power depends on location of river. Wind power share a small part of energy demand and it is a dilute source of energy which is not available on demand. Hence, we need some alternative source of energy in order to fulfill our basic need. Solar photovoltaic is a clean source of energy which can be used as an alternative source of energy in order to satisfy our energy requirement.

Reliability of Photovoltaic

A photovoltaic (PV) cell is a semiconductor device that converts sunlight into electricity. It comprises of a thin Si wafer with n-type and p-type doped layers connecting with metal contacts which collect current from the generation sites as shown in Figure 1.

Figure1. Cross-section view of solar cell

Working of Solar Cell. There are three important phenomenon which takes place inside the solar cell when sunlight hits on its surface:

1. Excitation of free charge carriers due to sun light absorption.

2. Separation of charge carriers as electron and hole.

3. Collection of charge carriers by metal contacts.

The pn junctions inside solar cell results in an electric field at junction. When sunlight hits the solar cell, an electron springs up and attracted towards n type. Also hole created by this electron move towards p side and electron combine with hole after  travelling through external circuit which generates current.

Module. Since PV cells operation is based on sunlight. So it is necessary to install them in open area. During operation, these cells would exposed to many harsh conditions such as humidity, dew, rain, and high temperature. It has been known that temperature and humidity are some important factors determining performance and reliability of semiconductor devices. This apply to PV cell as well. Hence to secure them from these conditions, PV cells are generally encapsulated with additional materials such as glass and backsheet. These encapsulated constructions having solar cell are known as PV module shown in Figure 2. The material used as a protective glass and base in PV module should have to be resistant to temperature changes and UV rays exposure. It also should resist mechanical stress up to an optimum level. An aluminium frame is attached to the structure in order to make the structure strong and easy to mountable.

Figure 2. Components of a PV module

PV System. A single module is not enough to generate enough power as required hence a large number of modules are needed to connect in series and parallel. This combination along with some other essential devices is known as a PV system. In a PV system, the aluminium frames of modules are grounded for safety purpose. As consequence of numerous modules in a string and their grounding causes huge potential stress to cells of PV module.


Reliability of a device is defined as the probability to perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time. Several common reliability issues are associated with PV cells. Some of them have solutions which have been researched for a long time but some of them are new and challenging.

Figure 3. Different degradation in PV module over time

In 2005, a new reliability issue was introduced which is known as PID. It got attention because of its rapid degradation. It can result in huge output power drop (>40 %) in few months as shown in Figure 3. Due to its serious impact on the performance of PV module, this issue should be addressed for all PID-experienced or susceptible modules. It is a process which occurs only a few years after installation and damage expands exponentially with time. It affects the cells negatively and leads to power loss in a module by electrically modifying solar cell resulting in leakage current.

PID mechanism is associated with the drift of ions across the pn junction under high voltage stress which add to the leakage current. Therefore, leakage current along with its influencing parameters can be utilised as deterministic for PID. In some cases, it leads to permanently damage of a module. PID problem will be more serious in future as PV industry are trying to increase the maximum system voltage to decrease overall cost. The maximum permissible limits of direct current system voltage is 600 V in the USA and 1000 V in Europe. These limits are specified by the manufacturers [4]. Now a days domestic as well as commercial roof top PV plants operates voltages around 400-800 V. At such voltage danger of PID must be assessed since mostly such installations are transformer less as well as not maintained regularly, hence techniques like PID recovery also not possible to implement. In the direction of PID resistant design the part of encapsulation responsible for PID should be identified and rectified. This project is also working in the field of identifying culprit and to make some suggestions in order to minimize PID degradation.

Potential Induced Degradation

PID is a degradation mechanism that results in a significant drop in power in a short duration. This mechanism can be understood as, in a PV system, many modules are connected in series and parallel arrays. This arrangement of modules results in high voltage stress on the solar cell as the modules are grounded through frames for safety reasons. Under this high voltage stress, ions, i.e., sodium (Na+) present on the surface of a solar cell, drift towards the cell along with leakage current and accumulate inside the solar cell. This accumulation of ions penetrates the p-n junction and establish a metallic contact that behaves as a shunt. This shunting is known as potential induced degradation (PID-s) shunting. It results in a significant drop in the performance of a solar cell because it provides an alternative path for current to flow. It is happening along with leakage current; therefore, leakage current is also used as a determinant for PID.

Figure 4. PID mechanism in c-Si photovoltaic cell



Qualifier Presentation