Non-Parametric Estimation
Growth-Optimal Portfolio Restrictions on Asset Pricing Models (with Bruce Lehmann)
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1, 1997, 333-354
Cambridge University Press | PDF file
Addendum to Growth Optimal Portfolio paper that derives decomposition of SDF into permanent and transitory components (1994) PDF file
Computational Aspects of Nonparametric Simulation Estimation (with Ronald Gallant, Robert Hussey, and George Tauchen)
Computational Techniques for Econometrics and Economic Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1994, Editor: David Belsley
A New Approach to International Arbitrage Pricing (with David Hsieh and S.Viswanathan)
Journal of Finance, 48, December 1993, 1719-1747
American Finance Association | PDF file
Nominated for Smith-Breeden best paper award, Journal of Finance, 1994
No Arbitrage and Arbitrage Pricing: A New Approach (with S. Viswanathan)
Journal of Finance, 48, September 1993, 1231-1262
American Finance Association | PDF file
Nominated for Smith-Breeden best paper award, Journal of Finance, 1993