• Selected for Dean’s Merit list for Master’s at IIIT-B.
  • Stood at 16th position (top 0.2%) in Flipkart ML Quiz.
  • Stood at 28th position (top 2%) in Microsoft India AI Challenge - 2018.
  • Winner of Global NIPS Paper Implementation Challenge - 2017.
  • Selected for International Fellowship for course conducted by University of San Francisco.
  • Awarded scholarship by INSOFE to pursue Data Science boot camp.
  • Stood 4th in Machine Learning Competition hosted by Analytics Vidhya.
  • Stood 8th in Analytics Vidhya Data Fest, which includes a Mini Data Hack, Skill Tests on Probability and statistics, Deep Learning.
  • Stood 9th in Analytics Vidhya Deep learning competition.
  • Top rank on Analytics Vidhya community - 59th (link). ( Analytics Vidhya is India’s largest Data Science Community)