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About me

Hi, I am a grad student and a GRA at the School of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, from Fall 2021, working in network inference and non-linear system dynamics in Biophysics at the Weitz group. Our goal is to create physics-informed data-integrated models that helps us understand how bacteria and virus interacts, evolves and affect the populations, communities and ecosystems. We use the tools of Machine learning, high performance computing, non-linear dynamics and network sciences to understand the Physics of these interactions.

Before that, for my BS-MS degree in Physical Sciences, I worked in the area of Soft Matter Physics and applied optics at IISER-K. I completed my integrated BS-MS in Physical Sciences from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER-K) in July 2020. I did my Masters dissertation at the Light Matter Lab, at IISER-K, under the supervision of Prof. Ayan Banerjee, where I studied Interactions and diverse effects in viscoelastic fluids using Optical Tweezers. I have been a recipient of the prestigious INSPIRE Scholarship (2015-2020), Mitacs Globalink Research Fellowship (2019). Alongside I was also offered the Levenstein Scholarship by Syracuse University (2020) and CEPHIRA award at the University of Strasbourg (2020), which I had to decline. My authored and co-authored articles in Journals and conferences can be found in the Publication section. Some of my work is now published in PR E, PR Research, PR Fluids, Frontiers in Physics, Soft Matter. Our work has also been showcased at prestigious conferences and poster presentation events like SPIE Photonics and Engineering (August 2021), APS March meeting (March 2021), COMPFLU (2019), and others. 

​Besides research, I enjoy hiking, soccer, barbecue parties, communicating science to the non-expert audience, and making short films while traveling. 


Raunak Dey |  রৌণক দে