Dyn Tech Inc.

Corporation Operated by Material Properties for Simulation Group

1131, 285 Gangneung-dae-ro, Gangneung, Gangwon 25491, Republic of Korea 

e-mail: dyntech@outlook.kr

Manager: Ms. Helene Park

Mechanical Material Properties for Simulation

We measure Mechanical Material Properties for Simulation.

We model Mechanical Material Properties for Simulation.

(1) Quasi-static tensile test for necking materials

We report the equivalent stress vs. equivalent plastic strain (effective stress vs. effective plastic strain) curve after conducting the procedures described at the following open-access URL:  https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4064372

The mentioned curve covers the whole range of plastic deformation regime up to the fracture point, especially including the post-necking regime.

(2) High temperature tensile test for measuring THERMAL SOFTENING EXPONENT

The thermal softening exponent is typically noted as 'm' in the Johnson-Cook constitutive model and Shin-Kim constitutive model.  Information on these models can be obtained at the open-access URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7080/10/2/52

We carry out the high temperature tensile test in comparison with the room temperature counterpart, which leads to the thermal softening exponent. The process of determining 'm' is reported to the customer. Please note that material itself may change during the high temperature test. Therefore, we recommend the test temperature and soaking time to the customer considering material characteristics. 

(3) Calibration of strain rate- and temperature-dependent  CONSTITUTIVE models

Examples of the strain rate- and temperature-dependent  constitutive models can be obtained at the open-access URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7080/10/2/52