Also some updates may get held up by problems, I cannot guarantee any particular level of effort being put into these problems, particularly for older releases or for less well-known packages. Firefox/Thunderbird in particular are a PITA to keep updated and stopped getting updates on raspbian stretch some time ago, how supported they will be on buster and bullseye remains to be seen.

Getting the 32bit bullseye out, with all the multitude of changes was a lot of effort, 9 months in fact. But that effort is also applicable to the 64bit version, and we released a new beta yesterday as well. We can now concentrate on fixing bugs and testing that. We are happy that this process is the fastest route to getting both 32 and 64 bit versions. And no, a bigger team was not an option.

Raspberry Pi Bullseye 64bit Download

Download šŸ”„ šŸ”„

Buster uses samba 4.9.5, Bullseye uses 4.13.13; to connect to shares from Buster I had to use vers=1.0 which has been turned off in Samba since 4.11.

now all connections from buster to bullseye connect as root with RO.

Do I have to upgrade all my Pi to Bullseye? can I/should I upgrade Buster Samba to 4.13.13? is there another solution?

Now yes!!!!

more performance,my rpi2b is rocket! very good,after last updates, the bullseye is more stable , videoexec ,loadcpu, tempcpu,timeanswer, is excelent, all in overlclocking hahaha! PS: I installed it on pi zero and too is good!!!!

NB, gpio contorned with pigpio

Great job on bullseye! Am using 64bit version on pi4 4gb. Mutter is awesome with LXDE. Had a few graphical glitches when window borders met LXpanel, but they stopped after I applied overclock. Have enabled edge tiling for mutter in gsettings and it works beautifully!

I've been having problems with the raspberry pi imager so just downloaded the latest 64bit os from their site. Then used Belena Etcher to etch the image. Made the ssh file and the wpa_supplicant file.

It's showing on the network but for some reason I can't connect via ssh via terminal with ssh [email protected], it asks for a password but when I enter 'raspberry' it won't work. Has something changed?

Thank you. I had looked at that, but didn't read all the way to the end. I think foosel summed it up pretty well "So, am I reading this thread right so far that picams won't work with mjpg-streamer on bullseye? If so, that is a major show stopper for a new OctoPi release for now."

to /boot/config.txt, see if it helps. If not I'm out of ideas for now. Latest bullseye nightly builds of OctoPi worked on my test setup with a pi cam, and all that needed to be changed for that to work was the above option in /boot/config.txt which supposedly enables the legacy stack.

I wouldn't be surprised if mjpg-streamer's build system can't find the proper libraries for the raspicam plugin on bullseye. They moved a lot of the RPi specific libraries around, as I detailed on a ustreamer ticket: Can't build with `WITH_OMX=1` on Raspberry Pi OS BullseyeĀ  Issue #123Ā  pikvm/ustreamerĀ  GitHub

Description of the issue:

I used brave on a raspberry 4. It worked perfect and was my daily browser. After a system update some weeks ago, it is for several of my daily visited web pages not usable anymore. Text fields and picutre fields are randomly positioned at the screen. Head lines double or disappear. Loading time increased significantly - the entire screen is chaoticly arranged. Sometimes flickering.

Since 2022-04-04, Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) Bullseye no longer comes with the default credentials of user:pi and password:raspberry (as explained in this blog post). New installations must be set up with a username and password of your choice.

Did somebody do something to server configuration this morning? I upgraded to bullseye a couple days ago. Without updating any of adsb software, everything was working fine. But this morning both dump1090-fa and dump978-fa quit working

(1) Pi #1 with Piaware SD card image Buster on RPi model 4.

I upgraded it to Bullseye by adding bullseye repo to file /etc/apt/sources.list and then sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get full-upgrade . It is 2 days now and is working ok. You can check it here:

Ā -5252

I am trying to install influxdb but i am not sure how to do it. I searched internet Tutorials but they are all different, and nobody seems to care which version they are downloading.

Can anyone here help me?

I am using a raspberry pi 3B+, with raspbian 11 (bullseye)

and I want to download influxdb 1.8.10

We just had an issue when we released 1.5.4 with armhf builds, so to not delay the release we decided to ship it without armhf packages (raspberry builds). We are about to ship 1.5.5 in a short time, and this one will be shipped without armhf packages as well, but I intend to fix it in the forthcoming weeks. As soon as the build issue is fixed, armhf packages will be released as well.

I'm working on getting the mk2-dbus package to work on bullseye. I managed to install it, along with all the dependencies. I'm running Bullseye 64 bits on a raspberry pi 4, so I had play with multiarch settings and such. About the, I managed to install it by adding the deb sources of buster, since bullseye only has

Rpi always recommends a fresh install rather than an upgrade between their operating systems, but this maybe what you intend anyway as you are going for a new board (the Zero2 W instead of the Zero W.) I have installed the 64bit version of Bullseye on my Zero2 W and it runs just fine. I use the raspberry pi imager to do my installs. (and its a very nice installer)

@byron I have NOT had a chance to test this yet, I obviously am getting slow. The phrase 'Motion Eye OS' says it all, it's an OS no need for BullsEye. There are two places to get MotionEyeOS, SourceForge which appears new and is what the picture below shows, the .img file is for a raspberry ready to flash. The code to build the image is the files in the dir. The github code is from 2017 IIRC and is much older. I could be 100% wrong about this but I think it's worth checking. Here is the link to Sourceforge last update 2021/09 and Github 2017/06

Raspberry Pi OS 'bullseye' is the latest Raspberry Pi operating system based upon the new 'bullseye' version of Debian linux. Get Raspberry Pi OS 'bullseye' by installing a fresh installation of the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS from Raspberry Pi Imager.

Please note that Debian 11 is not an officially supported OS yet - official support for Debian 11 will likely only be added with Pi-hole's next release.

(EDIT: I'll add that as of today, the latest Raspberry Pi OS image as available from is still dating from May 7th 2021, so Buster still. Also, note that he RPi Foundation discourages in-place upgrades to new releases.)

Meanwhile, some users were successful in using the current Pi-hole release with Bullseye, and some encountered mostly minor glitches.

I was nervous about switching to FKMS driver since it seems like KMS is the recommended driver for bullseye and future versions.However, I have been able to run steamlink, kodi, and some retropie emulators just fine with FKMS on 64-bit bullseye.Hopefully steamlink will officially support the KMS driver in the future.

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] Index of / bullseye main

#deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] Index of / bullseye main

In late January 2021, the Raspberry Pi OS package raspberrypi-sys-mods added a trusted GPG key and configuration entry in the APT package manager.[16] This addition made it easier to install Visual Studio Code, a source code editor developed by Microsoft. This change initiated a query to Microsoft's package servers every time the system checked for updates.[16] Given Microsoft's once-adversarial history with Linux, this form of telemetry upset some users.[17] The changes were later removed.[18]

$ ghcup install ghc 8.4.4

[ Error ] Unable to find a download for the requested version/distro.

[ Error ] Also check the logs in /home/pi/.ghcup/logs

pi@raspberrypi:~/stack $

cat ghcup.log

Debug: Identified Platform as: Linux Debian, 11

Debug: last access was 206.280266452s ago, cache interval is 300s

Debug: Decoding yaml at: /home/pi/.ghcup/cache/ghcup-0.0.6.yaml

Error: Unable to find a download for the requested version/distro.

Error: Also check the logs in /home/pi/.ghcup/logs

pi@raspberrypi:~/.ghcup/logs $

By ardusub-0.0.31 you probably are referencing to companion, or old computer software.

I highly recommend to update your raspberry to start using BlueOS, connection with QGC should work out of the box.

The system also comes with jupyter and vscode extension for developers. ff782bc1db

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