Focus Areas

Environmental Justice

Environmental health risks disproportionately affect communities of color or lower socioeconomic status. Historical systemic inequities, such as redlining and disinvestment, have placed the most vulnerable communities in the least-healthy geographic locations. I want my career to have an impact on closing this gap through targeted policy, outreach, and education. 

Healthy Homes and Neighborhoods

Vulnerable populations often live in older housing or housing that is publicly owned. Many individuals may have a hard time keeping up with maintenance or getting underfunded housing authorities to correct problems. These homes may present risks related to poor ventilation, lead-based paint, mold, or asbestos. Through education and putting pressure on local authorities, communities can gain the tools to combat these issues. I have spent the last few years working in state government to enforce lead-based paint regulations and reduce lead poisoning. 

Clean Air

Protection from air pollutants is especially important, given that black Americans suffer from asthma and other respiratory ailments at higher rates than other groups . Communities of color are also more likely to be located near heavily polluting industries and highways. During my graduate studies, I worked with a Nashville-based community organization to engage public housing residents on air quality issues. 

Clean Water

Water pollution disproportionately affects communities of color  and low socio-economic status. These vulnerable populations also suffer from uneven enforcement of water quality standards. Policy initiatives focused on effective water quality monitoring and infrastructure improvements in key areas provide the best chance to combat this disparity. After my undergraduate studies, I gained experience in water treatment and testing while working for an environmental services company.

Public Health Competencies

The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) accredits MPH curricula based on their ability to impart the 22 foundational core competencies. 

I have focused on the following CEPH competencies:

CEPH CC6 - Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities, and racism undermine health and create challenges to  achieving health equity at organizational, community and systemic levels.

CEPH CC7 - Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health.

I have focused on the following VUSM Health Policy track-specific competency:

VU HP2 - Describe the complementary roles of individualized health care services and population-based interventions in maintaining and improving health status.