
The full scientific programme can be found below.

List of invited speakers:

  • Dr Amy Bonsor (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Dr James Fuller (Caltech, USA)
  • Professor William Chaplin (University of Birmingham, UK)
  • Dr Vincent Van Eylen (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Scientific programme (talks):

Friday, March 9th 2018

10:00 - 10:25 Coffee

10:25 Welcome Address Dimitri Veras & Tiago Campante

10:30 Review William Chaplin (University of Birmingham, UK); Asteroseismology of subgiant and giant stars: from theory to observation

10:55 Review Amy Bonsor (University of Cambridge, UK); Planets and debris discs around subgiant and giant stars

11:20 Invited James Fuller (Caltech, USA); What asteroseismology of red giant and heartbeat stars reveal about their planetary systems

11:40 Contributed Samuel Grunblatt (University of Hawaii, USA); Properties of Close-In Giant Planets Orbiting Low Luminosity Red Giant Branch Stars

11:55 Contributed Filipe Pereira (IA-Porto, Portugal); Using gaussian processes to model stellar granulation in evolved stars

12:10 Contributed Elisa Delgado Mena (IA-Porto, Portugal); Can we really detect planets around evolved massive stars?

12:28 Contributed Gerard van Belle (Lowell Observatory, USA); Direct Observations of Evolved Stars Spun-up by Exoplanet Ingestion?

12:46 Contributed Thomas North (University of Birmingham, UK); Using asteroseismology to investigate the masses of retired A stars

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch (not provided by the RAS)

14:00 Invited Vincent Van Eylen (Leiden University, The Netherlands); Planets around evolved stars: open questions and the potential role of asteroseismology

14:20 Contributed Didier Queloz (University of Cambridge, UK); CHEOPS 101

14:38 Contributed Andy Moya (University of Birmingham, UK); The asteroseismic potential of CHEOPS

14:56 Contributed Vera Wolthoff (Heidelberg University, Germany); Reverse population synthesis for observed planets around evolved stars

15:12 Contributed Iain McDonald (University of Manchester, UK); Summarising Manchester's research into evolved stars and exoplanets

15:30 - 16:00 Tea at The Geological Society


1. Miriam Hogg (University of Leicester, UK); Formation of Second and Third generation discs in evolving binary systems

2. Thomas North (University of Birmingham, UK); Are giant stellar hosts of giant planets more metallic?

3. Ben Fernando (University of Oxford, UK); AxiSEM3D: new forward model for prediction of stellar oscillations