A Competition for 3rd - 6th Grade Readers

How it works:

  • You read as many of the Battle Books as you can before February. Earn prizes for reading!
  • Participate in a school wide battle of trivia questions.
  • School winners travel to a district battle to represent our school!

Did you say prizes?

YES. Earn a prize by...

  • Reading 1 book
  • Reading 3 books
  • Reading 5 books

And there's more...classes who read the most Battle Books will also earn prizes!

Starting now and through the summer, start reading the Battle books! Keep a reading journal to remember what books you read, what they were about, and why you liked or disliked them. You will be able to get credit for reading Battle Books now and through the summer. You can download and print this bookmark to help you keep track of what you have read.

Starting next school year in September, you have to show Ms. Wall and your teacher you read these books by filling out on online form on this page. Stay tuned until September for more information!