
1. Articles

2024, Gold Rush vs. War: Keynes on reviving animal spirits in times of crisis, Cambridge Journal of Economics, pp. (with Michele Bee)

2023, The emerging discipline of public economics in postwar France, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30(5), pp.739-763. (with Thomas M. Mueller)

2023, Toward a “Prodigious Revival of French Economics”? Allais, Debreu, and the Dead Loss Controversy (1943–51), History of Political Economy, 55(1), pp. forthcoming. (with Thomas M. Mueller)

2023, Faire la « Science de l’Homme », défaire la sociologie durkheimienne François Perroux, la Fondation Carrel et les sciences sociales sous Vichy, Philosophia Scientiæ, 27(1), pp.163-194. (with Nicolas Brisset & Tom Juille)

2022, Learning and Forgetting Marxs Lesson: François Perrouxs Readings of Karl Marx, Research in the History of Economic Thought & Methodology, 40(C), pp.81-108. (with Nicolas Brisset & Pierre Jean)

2022, The Madman and the Economist(s): Georges Bataille and François Perroux as French Critiques of the Marshall Plan, Journal of The History of Economic Thought, 44(3), pp. 344-369.

2021,  Les économistes face à l’État français, Politix, 131(1), pp. 29-54. (avec Nicolas Brisset)

2021, Peregrinations of a Corporatist Economist: François Perroux’s Travels in Fascist Europe, History of Political Economy, 53(4), pp. 745-781. (with Nicolas Brisset)

2021, Prendre la parole sous l'État Français: le cas de François Perroux, Revue d'Histoire de la Pensée Économique, 11(1), pp. 25-56. (avec Nicolas Brisset)

2020, Power as an Epistemological Obstacle: Walter Eucken’s Quest for an Interest-Proof Economic Science, Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(4), pp. 330-350.

2020, The ‘Community of Labour’ in Troubled Times (1926-44): François Perroux’s Irrational Foundations of Economic Expertise, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27(5), pp. 735-761. (with Nicolas Brisset)

2020, The Vichy Opportunity: François Perroux’s Institutional & Intellectual Entrepreneurship, Research in the History of Economic Thought & Methodology, 38(B), pp. 131-151. (with Nicolas Brisset

2019, L’évolution du concept de concurrence de Smith à Hayek, Regards croisés sur l’économie, 25(2), pp. 24-35.

2019, Walras as an ordoliberal?, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26(2), pp. 380-413. (with Roberto Baranzini).

2018, Denazifying the Economy: Ordoliberals on the Economic Policy Battlefield (1946-50), History of Political Economy, 50(4), pp. 679-707.

2017, Le marché sans pouvoir : au cœur de la pensée ordolibérale, Revue d’Économie Politique, 127(1), pp. 119-151.

2017, Walter Eucken et Wilhelm Röpke face à la ‘nouvelle’ Question Sociale, Revue d’Histoire de la Pensée Économique, 3(1), pp. 209-240.

2015, Du libéralisme historique à la crise sociale du XXe siècle : la lecture de Wilhelm Röpke, Revue Économique, 66(5), pp. 901-932.

2015, Retour sur le libéralisme conservateur de Wilhelm Röpke, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 53(2), pp. 147-190. 

2.  Book Chapters

2022, Wilhelm Röpke: Social Crisis of our Time in T. Biebricher, P. Nedergaard & W. Bonefeld (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism (pp. 121-135), Oxford University Press.

2022, Cheval et tigre : figures de l'économie chez Georges Bataille, in A. Felgine and J-S. Gallaire (dir.), Cahiers Georges Bataille 5 (pp. 85-100), Edition Les Cahiers.

2020, Eucken’s Competition with Keynes: Beyond the Ordoliberal Allergy to the Keynesian Medicine in A. M. Cunha & C. E. Suprinyak (eds.), Political Economy and International Order in Interwar Europe, Palgrave Macmillan.

2019, Keynes and Eucken on Power and Capitalism, in M. Mosca (ed.), Power in Economic Thought (pp. 321-347), Palgrave Macmillan.

2018, Was Röpke really a proto-Keynesian?, in P. Commun & S. Kolev (eds.), Wilhelm Röpke: A Liberal Political Economist and Conservative Social Philosopher (pp. 109-120), Springer.

2017, From barter to monetary economy: ordoliberal views on the post WWII German economic order, in Y. Ikeda & A. Rosselli (eds.), War in the History of Economic Thought (pp. 218-238), Routledge.

3. Books

2022, A Political Economy of Power: Ordoliberalism in Context, 1932-1950, New York: Oxford University Press.

2019, Walter Eucken, entre économie et  politique, Lyon : ENS Éditions. (with Patricia Commun).

4. Book-Reviews

2020, “Matt Seybold and Michelle Chihara (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Literature and Economics”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. forthcoming 

2019,   “Thomas Biebricher and Frieder Vogelmann (eds.), The Birth of Austerity. German Ordoliberalism and Contemporary Neoliberalism”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 26(1), pp. 206-209.

2016,   “Patricia Commun, Les ordolibéraux : histoire d’un libéralisme à l’allemande”, Œconomia - History | Methodology | Philosophy 6(4), pp. 571-577. 

2016, “Jean Solchany, 2015, Wilhelm Röpke, l’autre Hayek : Aux origines du néolibéralisme, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 572 p.”, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales 54(1), pp. 277-280.

2012, “Serge Audier, Néo-libéralisme(s)”, Œconomia - History | Methodology | Philosophy 2(4), pp. 116-120.

See also my