Raoul van Maarseveen

I am an Assistant Professor in Applied Economics at the University of Cologne, Germany. I received my PhD in Economics from Uppsala University in 2023, and I am affiliated with the Uppsala Urban Lab, Uppsala Center for Labour Studies, and Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies.

My research interest is applied work at the intersection of urban economics and labor economics, with a particular focus on the spatial equality of opportunity. Please see below for the latest updates.

Please find the latest version of my CV here: Link 


1 September 2023 - Start as AP at Cologne

After a long year, I am very glad to announce that I will be the incoming Assistant Professor in Applied Economics at the University of Cologne. I have started the position on September 1st, 2023. I am very excited to meet all my colleagues and to be teaching courses on the (in)-equality of opportunity. Please let me know if you happen to be in Cologne, and as I am extending my network in German academia, please let me know of interesting seminars and workshops in urban economics, labor economics, economics of education, and development economics.

Full announcement here: https://wiso.uni-koeln.de/en/news/news-faculty/new-junior-professor-at-the-wiso 

29 August 2023 - Received Benzelius Award

I am very grateful to have received the Benzelius Award for my dissertation from the Royal Academy of Sciences in Uppsala. The award is given annually to a young scholar in each of the four research areas covered by the Royal Academy of Sciences. For the full announcement: see here: http://www.vetenskapssocietetenuppsala.se/sv/priser/ 

1 July 2023 - New paper: "Location and Education signals"

I am very happy to share a recent draft with you, investigating the role of spatial differences in ability signals for students to explain the underperformance of students in rural regions. Please find the draft here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4488043.  Comments or thoughts are most appreciated.