

Informative Tests in Signaling Environments

Endogenous Lemon Markets: Risky Choices and Adverse Selection

Disclosure in Markets for Ratings

Joint with Boaz Zik 

Theoretical Economics, 2022 vol 17, pp. 977-1006

Joint with Avi Lichtig

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2023 vol 21.2, pp. 413-454

Joint with Boaz Zik

 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15.3 (2023): 501-26. 

Information Transmission in Voluntary Disclosure Games

Certification Design with Common Values

Joint with Avi Lichtig

Journal of Economic Theory, 2023, 210: 105653 

Joint with Andreas Asseyer

Econometrica, 2024, vol 92.3, pp. 651-686 

Working Papers

Selling Certification to Informed Agents

Job Market Cheap Talk

Strategic Delay in Patent Race

Joint with Boaz Zik (submitted)

Joint with Boaz Zik (R&R at GEB)

Joint with Elyashiv Wiedman