My most recent useless programing project is a particle emitter engine with an interactive playground. It involves a nice combination of mathematics and creativity that results in a visual reward. I've lost quite a bit of time by unintentionally getting sucked into tinkering with this!

It enables you to create animated patterns from thousands of particles using a few lines of code. It works by automatically producing new particles every few frames, and you just specify the initial properties and the update behavior in JavaScript. The engine does the rest!

Particle Playground (free Version Download For Mac

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The Init event runs once for each particle when it is created. The Update event runs for each particle once per frame. Each particle will be moved by its speed in the direction of its rotation. You can modify all individual particle's properties through the p object, like p.speed. You can even store your own variables, like p.foobar. The other properties of particles include:

Here's a brand new VCP tutorial creating pretty realistic water using no 3rd party plugins. I'm sure the same method could be used to create blood. Off the top of my head id say use strokes & trim paths & shapes oriented to duplicate paths of the strokes as the lead edge to get the main blood to follow an arc then use particle world to add some secondary drops following gravity.

However after playing around with Particle Playground, Particle Systems II, etc. the ideal particle effect is in Particle Playground, not Systems that is used in this video. I can get the particles to move really slow in that one.

Sorry for bumping such an old thread but using Persistent Property mapper you can define the Lifespan for particles - its not the most intuitive way to do it (you will have to use another layer as a control layer).

Overall the plugin is very user unfriendly - using Layer maps to control the particles should have been optional and NOT the only way to control what happens to individual particles over time.

Not an overly productive plugin so far.

The RGB map is an image or movie that you  design. The value of a color (e.g. R) at a specific position on the map affects the chosen property (e.g. size) of a particle when it is at that same position.

So, if you want particles travelling left-to-right across the screen to get bigger as they move, the property map should be an image (or precomped  layer) that has a black-to-red linear ramp applied: black on the left, red on the right. As the particle passes through the black zone, it is small, then as the R value increases as it moves to the right, it gets bigger.

If you want the particles to get bigger then smaller, the ramp should be radial: red in the center, black around the edges. As the particles travel left-to-right, they travel through the black, then red, then black.

For Particle Playground, use the Kinetic Friction property to affect your particles. Set the Maximum value to 0.01 (no keyframes required). For the Minimum value, set an initial keyframe value of 0.01 at about the 2-second mark. At a later point in time, perhaps 10 seconds layer, set a value of 0.1

However this project requires a Swift Playground and when I try to use that init function with systems stored in the playground's Resources folder it returns nil (even if I change the specified directory to "Resources" or "/Resources" etc. etc. ).

You can see that sphere covers the particle system even if particles are in front of it.

I understand that making particles respect sphere surface may be tricky because of the zbuffer stuff, but for my purposes it would suffice to render the scene the other way - i.e. to have particles rendered on top of the sphere (including the ones that are inside).

Then I realized I can use scene.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(2, false); in order to preserve depth buffer between layers. So I implemented my idea in the new playground version and it works just as I need it to:

3 you need to enable the alpha channel for the mesh vertices line 132

2 no need for fog, but you could add it for an extra effect, so commented out in my example : line 25

1 just add a computation of the particle/camera distance (squared distance is faster to compute) and set the particle alpha value according to this distance, line 121

This effect generates bubbles that flow, cling, andpop. Use the controls for the effect to adjust attributes for thebubbles such as stickiness, viscosity, life span, and bubble strength.You can control exactly how the foam particles interact with eachother and with their environment, and specify a separate layer toact as a map, controlling precisely where the foam flows. For example,you can have particles flow around a logo or fill a logo with bubbles.

The Particle Playground effect lets you animate a largenumber of similar objects independently, such as a swarm of beesor a snow storm. Use the Cannon to create a stream of particlesfrom a specific point on the layer, or use the Grid to generatea plane of particles. The Layer Exploder and Particle Exploder cancreate new particles from existing layers or particles. You canuse any combination of particle generators on the same layer.

Start by creating a stream or plane of particles, or by explodingan existing layer into particles. Once you have a layer of particles,you can control their properties, such as speed, size, and color.You can replace the default dot particles with images from an existinglayer to create, for example, an entire snowstorm from a singlesnowflake layer. You can also use text characters as particles.For example, you can shoot words across the screen, or you can createa sea of text in which a few letters change color, revealing a message.

Use Cannon, Grid, Layer Exploder, and Particle Exploder controlsto generate particles. Use Layer Map controls to specify a layerin place of each default dot particle. Use Gravity, Repel, and Wallcontrols to influence overall particle behavior. Use Property Mappercontrols to influence particle properties. Use Options to set options,including options for substituting text characters in place of dots.

The Particle Playground effect renders with anti-aliasingwhen the layer to which it is applied is set to Best quality. Italso applies motion blur to moving particles when both the MotionBlur layer switch and the Enable Motion Blur composition switchare on.

Create particlesby using the Cannon, the Grid, the Layer Exploder, and the ParticleExploder. The Grid creates particles in an organized grid formatwith straight rows and columns. The exploders create particles randomly,like firecracker sparks.

The particle generators set the attributesof particles at the moment they are created. After creation, Gravity,Repel, Wall, Exploder, and Property Mapper controls influence particlebehavior. For example, if you want particles to stick to grid intersections,you might use the Static Friction option in the Persistent PropertyMapper to hold particles in place. Otherwise, as soon as particlesare created, they begin moving away from their original grid positions.

Specifies the amount of random velocity of particles. A highervalue results in more variation in the velocity of particles. Forexample, if you set Velocity to 20 and Velocity Random Spread to10, particles leave the Cannon at velocities ranging from 15 to25 pixels per second.

The Grid creates a continuous plane of particlesfrom a set of grid intersections. The movement of Grid particlesis completely determined by the Gravity, Repel, Wall, and PropertyMapper settings. By default, the Force control of Gravity is on, soGrid particles fall toward the bottom of the frame.

The Layer Exploder explodes a layer into newparticles, and the Particle Exploder explodes a particle into morenew particles. In addition to explosion effects, the exploders arealso handy for simulating fireworks or for rapidly increasing the numberof particles.

If the source of the layer is a nested composition, you can set different Opacity values or In and Out points for the layers within the nested composition to make the exploding layer transparent at different points in time. The Layer Exploder does not create particles where the source of the layer is transparent.

Some Persistent Property Mapper and Ephemeral Property Mapper options can make explosions more realistic. For example, change Opacity to make the resulting particles fade out, or change the Red, Green, and Blue color channels to make resulting particles change color as they appear to cool.

Specifies, in pixels per second, the maximum speed of the rangewithin which Particle Playground varies the velocity of the resulting particles.High values create a more dispersed or cloudlike explosion. Lowvalues keep the new particles closer together and can make the explodedparticles resemble a halo or shockwave.

By default, the Cannon, Grid, Layer Exploder,and Particle Exploder create dot particles. To replace the dotswith a layer in the composition, use the Layer Map. For example,if you use a movie of a single bird flapping its wings as a particle sourcelayer, After Effects replaces all dots with an instance of the birdmovie, creating a flock of birds. A particle source layer can bea still image, a solid, or a nested After Effects composition.

A multiframelayer is any layer with a source that varies over time, suchas a movie or a composition. When you map new particles to a multiframelayer, use the Time Offset Type control to specify how you wantto use the frames of the layer. For example, use Absolute to mapan unchanging image onto a particle, or use Relative to map an animatingsequence of frames onto a particle. You can randomize both Absoluteand Relative across particles.

When you choose a layerfor Layer Map, Particle Playground ignores any changes that youmade to that layer within that composition. Instead, it uses the layerin its original state. To keep transformations, effects, masks,rasterization options, expressions, or keyframe changes for a layerwhen you use it as a particle source, precompose the layer. be457b7860

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