Recently I have realised that I have added new files to the shared folder and they are not showing on my friends computer and visa versa. They have correctly sync'd and I can see them on both my online dropbox account and on my PC in the correct shared folder but my friend cannot. The files online correctly display that they have 2 members however my friend cannot see them.

Another possibility is that their Dropbox desktop application isn't working as it should and thus isn't syncing. I'm not sure if their Dropbox account online is showing the changes to the folder, or if it is just the computer. If the issue is also related to the online account, then this point doesn't matter.

Dr. Folder Keygen

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I've tracked it down further to my friends account having the issue. Both are Plus accounts. My account online shows any shared folders I've got or have shared out with the number of members. My friends account has the same folders but lists Only Me as the member, even the ones listed as being shared, including those shared in from others to them. This is all online so appears to not be the application at fault rather an issue with their dropbox or dropbox itself.

All folders were proper shares, some incoming and some outgoing. They've been working perfectly for around 3 years and then suddenly stopped working a couple of months a go. I'll get him to open a support case.

I am a French Guy so sorry for my English. I am not able to cancle the sharing of a folder even if I do this on the setting of that folder. Like this way : -and-collaboration/Unshared-folder-still-showing-up-a-shared/...

I am having the same issue. I need to move a folder that was shared to a new shared folder. I choose "unshare" for my original folder. It removed all members. It states "only you", meaning me, yet the shared icon will not got away nor can I move it to a new shared folder. And please don't say if it says "only you" then I need to removed myself. All of my folders that are unshared say that, yet aren't shared and do not have the icon representing the folders are shared. This has happened to me multiple times and I can't seem to find any advice on how to fix the problem other than copy all of the files to a new folder individually, which is a waste of time.

Yes, and I did click Unshare. However, the folder itself (even after I unshare) still has the "shared" icon - the two people figures in the folder. The members column shows "only you". After I have clicked unshare, and try to move it to a new shared folder, I get a message that I can't, because I can't have a shared folder within a shared folder. I understand that concept. Unfortunately, when I unshare, it doesn't recognize that. It removes all the members, but like I said, the folder icon still shows two people figure like it is still shared.

I agree - the design of this is absolutely terrible; this should be very straight forward. If I remove other people from it and I am the only one with access, then it should not be considered a shared folder any longer.

I think what I had to do was first "Remove from Dropbox". The folder still showed up with the "you haven't joined this folder" message. So then I went into Deleted Files and selected "Permanently Delete". Now finally it is gone.

Creates a shortcut to the provided Drive item ID and resource key, and returns it. A resourcekey is an additional parameter that needs to be passed to access the target file or folder thathas been shared using a link.

Drive requires a resource key to access some files or folders that have been shared using alink. This change is part of a security update. The update is turned on by default for eligiblefiles and folders. To turn the resource key requirement on or off for eligible files, usesetSecurityUpdateEnabled.

Gets whether this Folder requires a resource key for access when it'sshared using a link. This requirement is turned on by default for eligible files and folders.To turn the resource key requirement on or off for eligible files, use setSecurityUpdateEnabled.

Gets a collection of all files that are children of the current folder and match the given searchcriteria. The search criteria are detailed in the Google Drive SDK documentation. Note that the Driveservice uses v2 of the Drive API and some query fields differ from v3. Review the fielddifferences between v2 and v3.

Gets a collection of all folders that are children of the current folder and match the given searchcriteria. The search criteria are detailed in the Google Drive SDK documentation. Note that the Driveservice uses v2 of the Drive API and some query fields differ from v3. Review the fielddifferences between v2 and v3.

Removes the given file from the current folder. This method does not delete the file, butif a file is removed from all of its parents, it cannot be seen in Drive except by searchingfor it or using the "All items" view.

Removes the given folder from the current folder. This method does not delete the folderor its contents, but if a folder is removed from all of its parents, it cannot be seen in Driveexcept by searching for it or using the "All items" view.

A Folder object can contain other Folder objects, as well as Outlook items. Use the Folders property of a NameSpace object or another Folder object to return the set of folders in a NameSpace or under a folder. You can navigate nested folders by starting from a top-level folder, say the Inbox, and using a combination of the Folder.Folders property, which returns the set of folders underneath a Folder object in the hierarchy, and the Folders.Item method, which returns a folder within the Folders collection.

There is a set of folders within an Outlook data store that supports the default functionality of Outlook. Use NameSpace.GetDefaultFolder, specifying an index that is one of the constants in the OlDefaultFolders enumeration to return one of the default Outlook folders in the Outlook NameSpace object.

While generally it is a good practice to place items that serve the same functionality in the same folder, a folder can contain items of different types. For example, by default, the Calendar folder can contain AppointmentItem and MeetingItem objects, and the Contacts folder can contain ContactItem and DistListItem objects. In general, when enumerating items in a folder, don't assume the type of an item in the folder; check the message class of the item before accessing properties that are applicable to the item.

Use the Folders.Add method to add a folder to the Folders object. The Add method has an optional argument that can be used to specify the type of items that can be stored in that folder. By default, folders created inside another folder inherit the type of the parent folder.

Note that when items of a specific type are saved, they are saved directly into their corresponding default folder. For example, when the MeetingItem.GetAssociatedAppointment method is applied to a MeetingItem in the Inbox folder, the appointment that is returned will be saved to the default Calendar folder.

Like files, you can choose to only share with specific people that have a Google Account. If you have a work or school account, you can also share files or folders with a group. Learn how to create a group in Google Groups.

For IDEs that present targets using a folder hierarchy, this propertyspecifies the name of the folder to place the target under.To nest folders, use FOLDER values such as GUI/Dialogs with /characters separating folder levels. Targets with no FOLDER propertywill appear as top level entities. Targets with the same FOLDERproperty value will appear in the same folder as siblings.

By default, your files are saved to your Downloads folder, a temporary folder on your Chromebook's hard drive. You can change where downloads are saved by default or select a specific folder for each download.


I have a problem where I can't think of a way to copy certain layers to a new dataset. I thought I'd copy it as a normal folder, but it doesn't take the whole layer, which would then be executable in ArcGIS Pro.

 Distribution of the folders is often accompanied by a brief training from the Counseling Center staff. Contact your Counseling Center to schedule training and/or receive copies of your Red Folder publication. If you are from outside the UC system, see links below for samples and feel free to modify our resources for your own community.

Folder is an abstract class that represents a folder for mail messages. Subclasses implement protocol specific Folders. Folders can contain Messages, other Folders or both, thus providing a tree-like hierarchy rooted at the Store's default folder. (Note that some Folder implementations may not allow both Messages and other Folders in the same Folder). The interpretation of folder names is implementation dependent. The different levels of hierarchy in a folder's full name are separated from each other by the hierarchy delimiter character. The case-insensitive full folder name (that is, the full name relative to the default folder for a Store) INBOX is reserved to mean the "primary folder for this user on this server". Not all Stores will provide an INBOX folder, and not all users will have an INBOX folder at all times. The name INBOX is reserved to refer to this folder, when it exists, in Stores that provide it. A Folder object obtained from a Store need not actually exist in the backend store. The exists method tests whether the folder exists or not. The create method creates a Folder. A Folder is initially in the closed state. Certain methods are valid in this state; the documentation for those methods note this. A Folder is opened by calling its 'open' method. All Folder methods, except open, delete and renameTo, are valid in this state. The only way to get a Folder is by invoking the getFolder method on Store, Folder, or Session, or by invoking the list or listSubscribed methods on Folder. Folder objects returned by the above methods are not cached by the Store. Thus, invoking the getFolder method with the same folder name multiple times will return distinct Folder objects. Likewise for the list and listSubscribed methods. The Message objects within the Folder are cached by the Folder. Thus, invoking getMessage(msgno) on the same message number multiple times will return the same Message object, until an expunge is done on this Folder. Message objects from a Folder are only valid while a Folder is open and should not be accessed after the Folder is closed, even if the Folder is subsequently reopened. Instead, new Message objects must be fetched from the Folder after the Folder is reopened. Note that a Message's message number can change within a session if the containing Folder is expunged using the expunge method. Clients that use message numbers as references to messages should be aware of this and should be prepared to deal with situation (probably by flushing out existing message number references and reloading them). Because of this complexity, it is better for clients to use Message objects as references to messages, rather than message numbers. Expunged Message objects still have to be pruned, but other Message objects in that folder are not affected by the expunge.Author: John Mani, Bill ShannonField Summarystatic intHOLDS_FOLDERS

 This folder can contain other foldersstatic intHOLDS_MESSAGES

 This folder can contain messagesprotected intmode

 The open mode of this folder.static intREAD_ONLY

 The Folder is read only.static intREAD_WRITE

 The state and contents of this folder can be modified.protected Storestore

 The parent store. Constructor Summaryprotected Folder(Store store)

 Constructor that takes a Store object. Method Summary voidaddConnectionListener(ConnectionListener l)

 Add a listener for Connection events on this Folder. voidaddFolderListener(FolderListener l)

 Add a listener for Folder events on this Folder. voidaddMessageChangedListener(MessageChangedListener l)

 Add a listener for MessageChanged events on this Folder. voidaddMessageCountListener(MessageCountListener l)

 Add a listener for MessageCount events on this Folder.abstract voidappendMessages(Message[] msgs)

 Append given Messages to this folder.abstract voidclose(boolean expunge)

 Close this Folder. voidcopyMessages(Message[] msgs, Folder folder)

 Copy the specified Messages from this Folder into another Folder.abstract booleancreate(int type)

 Create this folder on the Store.abstract booleandelete(boolean recurse)

 Delete this Folder.abstract booleanexists()

 Tests if this folder physically exists on the Store.abstract Message[]expunge()

 Expunge (permanently remove) messages marked DELETED. voidfetch(Message[] msgs, FetchProfile fp)

 Prefetch the items specified in the FetchProfile for the given Messages.protected voidfinalize()


 Get the number of deleted messages in this Folder.abstract FoldergetFolder(java.lang.String name)

 Return the Folder object corresponding to the given name.abstract java.lang.StringgetFullName()

 Returns the full name of this Folder.abstract MessagegetMessage(int msgnum)

 Get the Message object corresponding to the given message number.abstract intgetMessageCount()

 Get total number of messages in this Folder. Message[]getMessages()

 Get all Message objects from this Folder. Message[]getMessages(int[] msgnums)

 Get the Message objects for message numbers specified in the array. Message[]getMessages(int start, int end)

 Get the Message objects for message numbers ranging from start through end, both start and end inclusive. intgetMode()

 Return the open mode of this folder.abstract java.lang.StringgetName()

 Returns the name of this Folder. intgetNewMessageCount()

 Get the number of new messages in this Folder.abstract FoldergetParent()

 Returns the parent folder of this folder.abstract FlagsgetPermanentFlags()

 Get the permanent flags supported by this Folder.abstract chargetSeparator()

 Return the delimiter character that separates this Folder's pathname from the names of immediate subfolders. StoregetStore()

 Returns the Store that owns this Folder object.abstract intgetType()

 Returns the type of this Folder, that is, whether this folder can hold messages or subfolders or both. intgetUnreadMessageCount()

 Get the total number of unread messages in this Folder. URLNamegetURLName()

 Return a URLName representing this folder.abstract booleanhasNewMessages()

 Returns true if this Folder has new messages since the last time this indication was reset.abstract booleanisOpen()

 Indicates whether this Folder is in the 'open' state. booleanisSubscribed()

 Returns true if this Folder is subscribed. Folder[]list()

 Convenience method that returns the list of folders under this Folder.abstract Folder[]list(java.lang.String pattern)

 Returns a list of Folders belonging to this Folder's namespace that match the specified pattern. Folder[]listSubscribed()

 Convenience method that returns the list of subscribed folders under this Folder. Folder[]listSubscribed(java.lang.String pattern)

 Returns a list of subscribed Folders belonging to this Folder's namespace that match the specified pattern.protected voidnotifyConnectionListeners(int type)

 Notify all ConnectionListeners.protected voidnotifyFolderListeners(int type)

 Notify all FolderListeners registered on this Folder and this folder's Store.protected voidnotifyFolderRenamedListeners(Folder folder)

 Notify all FolderListeners registered on this Folder and this folder's Store about the renaming of this folder.protected voidnotifyMessageAddedListeners(Message[] msgs)

 Notify all MessageCountListeners about the addition of messages into this folder.protected voidnotifyMessageChangedListeners(int type, Message msg)

 Notify all MessageChangedListeners.protected voidnotifyMessageRemovedListeners(boolean removed, Message[] msgs)

 Notify all MessageCountListeners about the removal of messages from this Folder.abstract voidopen(int mode)

 Open this Folder. voidremoveConnectionListener(ConnectionListener l)

 Remove a Connection event listener. voidremoveFolderListener(FolderListener l)

 Remove a Folder event listener. voidremoveMessageChangedListener(MessageChangedListener l)

 Remove a MessageChanged listener. voidremoveMessageCountListener(MessageCountListener l)

 Remove a MessageCount listener.abstract booleanrenameTo(Folder f)

 Rename this Folder. Message[]search(SearchTerm term)

 Search this Folder for messages matching the specified search criterion. Message[]search(SearchTerm term, Message[] msgs)

 Search the given array of messages for those that match the specified search criterion. voidsetFlags(int[] msgnums, Flags flag, boolean value)

 Set the specified flags on the messages whose message numbers are in the array. voidsetFlags(int start, int end, Flags flag, boolean value)

 Set the specified flags on the messages numbered from start through end, both start and end inclusive. voidsetFlags(Message[] msgs, Flags flag, boolean value)

 Set the specified flags on the messages specified in the array. voidsetSubscribed(boolean subscribe)

 Subscribe or unsubscribe this Folder. java.lang.StringtoString()

 override the default toString(), it will return the String from Folder.getFullName() or if that is null, it will use the default toString() behavior. Methods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait Field Detailstoreprotected Store storeThe parent store.modeprotected int modeThe open mode of this folder. The open mode is Folder.READ_ONLY, Folder.READ_WRITE, or -1 if not known.Since: JavaMail 1.1HOLDS_MESSAGESpublic static final int HOLDS_MESSAGESThis folder can contain messagesSee Also:Constant Field ValuesHOLDS_FOLDERSpublic static final int HOLDS_FOLDERSThis folder can contain other foldersSee Also:Constant Field ValuesREAD_ONLYpublic static final int READ_ONLYThe Folder is read only. The state and contents of this folder cannot be modified.See Also:Constant Field ValuesREAD_WRITEpublic static final int READ_WRITEThe state and contents of this folder can be modified.See Also:Constant Field ValuesConstructor DetailFolderprotected Folder(Store store)Constructor that takes a Store object.Parameters:store - the Store that holds this folderMethod DetailgetNamepublic abstract java.lang.String getName()Returns the name of this Folder. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:name of the FoldergetFullNamepublic abstract java.lang.String getFullName()Returns the full name of this Folder. If the folder resides under the root hierarchy of this Store, the returned name is relative to the root. Otherwise an absolute name, starting with the hierarchy delimiter, is returned. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:full name of the FoldergetURLNamepublic URLName getURLName() throws MessagingExceptionReturn a URLName representing this folder. The returned URLName does not include the password used to access the store.Returns:the URLName representing this folderThrows:MessagingExceptionSince: JavaMail 1.1See Also:URLNamegetStorepublic Store getStore()Returns the Store that owns this Folder object. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:the StoregetParentpublic abstract Folder getParent() throws MessagingExceptionReturns the parent folder of this folder. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder. If this folder is the top of a folder hierarchy, this method returns null. Note that since Folder objects are not cached, invoking this method returns a new distinct Folder object.Returns:Parent folderThrows:MessagingExceptionexistspublic abstract boolean exists() throws MessagingExceptionTests if this folder physically exists on the Store. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:true if the folder exists, otherwise falseThrows:MessagingException - typically if the connection to the server is lost.See Also:create(int)listpublic abstract Folder[] list(java.lang.String pattern) throws MessagingExceptionReturns a list of Folders belonging to this Folder's namespace that match the specified pattern. Patterns may contain the wildcard characters "%", which matches any character except hierarchy delimiters, and "*", which matches any character. As an example, given the folder hierarchy: Personal/ Finance/ Stocks Bonus StockOptions Jokes list("*") on "Personal" will return the whole hierarchy. 

 list("%") on "Personal" will return "Finance" and "Jokes". 

 list("Jokes") on "Personal" will return "Jokes".

 list("Stock*") on "Finance" will return "Stocks" and "StockOptions". Folder objects are not cached by the Store, so invoking this method on the same pattern multiple times will return that many distinct Folder objects. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Parameters:pattern - the match patternReturns:array of matching Folder objects. An empty array is returned if no matching Folders exist.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptionSee Also:listSubscribed(java.lang.String)listSubscribedpublic Folder[] listSubscribed(java.lang.String pattern) throws MessagingExceptionReturns a list of subscribed Folders belonging to this Folder's namespace that match the specified pattern. If the folder does not support subscription, this method should resolve to list. (The default implementation provided here, does just this). The pattern can contain wildcards as for list. Note that, at a given level of the folder hierarchy, a particular folder may not be subscribed, but folders underneath that folder in the folder hierarchy may be subscribed. In order to allow walking the folder hierarchy, such unsubscribed folders may be returned, indicating that a folder lower in the hierarchy is subscribed. The isSubscribed method on a folder will tell whether any particular folder is actually subscribed. Folder objects are not cached by the Store, so invoking this method on the same pattern multiple times will return that many distinct Folder objects. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Parameters:pattern - the match patternReturns:array of matching subscribed Folder objects. An empty array is returned if no matching subscribed folders exist.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptionSee Also:list(java.lang.String)listpublic Folder[] list() throws MessagingExceptionConvenience method that returns the list of folders under this Folder. This method just calls the list(String pattern) method with "%" as the match pattern. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:array of Folder objects under this Folder. An empty array is returned if no subfolders exist.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptionSee Also:list(java.lang.String)listSubscribedpublic Folder[] listSubscribed() throws MessagingExceptionConvenience method that returns the list of subscribed folders under this Folder. This method just calls the listSubscribed(String pattern) method with "%" as the match pattern. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:array of subscribed Folder objects under this Folder. An empty array is returned if no subscribed subfolders exist.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptionSee Also:listSubscribed(java.lang.String)getSeparatorpublic abstract char getSeparator() throws MessagingExceptionReturn the delimiter character that separates this Folder's pathname from the names of immediate subfolders. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Returns:Hierarchy separator characterThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if the implementation requires the folder to exist, but it does notMessagingExceptiongetTypepublic abstract int getType() throws MessagingExceptionReturns the type of this Folder, that is, whether this folder can hold messages or subfolders or both. The returned value is an integer bitfield with the appropriate bits set. This method can be invoked on a closed folder.Returns:integer with appropriate bits setThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptionSee Also:HOLDS_FOLDERS, HOLDS_MESSAGEScreatepublic abstract boolean create(int type) throws MessagingExceptionCreate this folder on the Store. When this folder is created, any folders in its path that do not exist are also created. If the creation is successful, a CREATED FolderEvent is delivered to any FolderListeners registered on this Folder and this Store.Parameters:type - The type of this folder.Returns:true if the creation succeeds, else false.Throws:MessagingExceptionSee Also:HOLDS_FOLDERS, HOLDS_MESSAGES, FolderEventisSubscribedpublic boolean isSubscribed()Returns true if this Folder is subscribed. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder. The default implementation provided here just returns true.Returns:true if this Folder is subscribedsetSubscribedpublic void setSubscribed(boolean subscribe) throws MessagingExceptionSubscribe or unsubscribe this Folder. Not all Stores support subscription. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder. The implementation provided here just throws the MethodNotSupportedException.Parameters:subscribe - true to subscribe, false to unsubscribeThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MethodNotSupportedException - if this store does not support subscriptionMessagingExceptionhasNewMessagespublic abstract boolean hasNewMessages() throws MessagingExceptionReturns true if this Folder has new messages since the last time this indication was reset. When this indication is set or reset depends on the Folder implementation (and in the case of IMAP, depends on the server). This method can be used to implement a lightweight "check for new mail" operation on a Folder without opening it. (For example, a thread that monitors a mailbox and flags when it has new mail.) This method should indicate whether any messages in the Folder have the RECENT flag set. Note that this is not an incremental check for new mail, i.e., it cannot be used to determine whether any new messages have arrived since the last time this method was invoked. To implement incremental checks, the Folder needs to be opened. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder that can contain Messages.Returns:true if the Store has new MessagesThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptiongetFolderpublic abstract Folder getFolder(java.lang.String name) throws MessagingExceptionReturn the Folder object corresponding to the given name. Note that this folder does not physically have to exist in the Store. The exists() method on a Folder indicates whether it really exists on the Store. In some Stores, name can be an absolute path if it starts with the hierarchy delimiter. Otherwise, it is interpreted relative to this Folder. Folder objects are not cached by the Store, so invoking this method on the same name multiple times will return that many distinct Folder objects. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder.Parameters:name - name of the FolderReturns:Folder objectThrows:MessagingExceptiondeletepublic abstract boolean delete(boolean recurse) throws MessagingExceptionDelete this Folder. This method will succeed only on a closed Folder. The recurse flag controls whether the deletion affects subfolders or not. If true, all subfolders are deleted, then this folder itself is deleted. If false, the behaviour is dependent on the folder type and is elaborated below:   The folder can contain only messages: (type == HOLDS_MESSAGES). 

 All messages within the folder are removed. The folder itself is then removed. An appropriate FolderEvent is generated by the Store and this folder.  The folder can contain only subfolders: (type == HOLDS_FOLDERS). 

 If this folder is empty (does not contain any subfolders at all), it is removed. An appropriate FolderEvent is generated by the Store and this folder.

 If this folder contains any subfolders, the delete fails and returns false.  The folder can contain subfolders as well as messages: 

 If the folder is empty (no messages or subfolders), it is removed. If the folder contains no subfolders, but only messages, then all messages are removed. The folder itself is then removed. In both the above cases, an appropriate FolderEvent is generated by the Store and this folder. If the folder contains subfolders there are 3 possible choices an implementation is free to do:   The operation fails, irrespective of whether this folder contains messages or not. Some implementations might elect to go with this simple approach. The delete() method returns false.  Any messages within the folder are removed. Subfolders are not removed. The folder itself is not removed or affected in any manner. The delete() method returns true. And the exists() method on this folder will return true indicating that this folder still exists. 

 An appropriate FolderEvent is generated by the Store and this folder.  Any messages within the folder are removed. Subfolders are not removed. The folder itself changes its type from HOLDS_FOLDERS | HOLDS_MESSAGES to HOLDS_FOLDERS. Thus new messages cannot be added to this folder, but new subfolders can be created underneath. The delete() method returns true indicating success. The exists() method on this folder will return true indicating that this folder still exists. 

 An appropriate FolderEvent is generated by the Store and this folder.  Returns:true if the Folder is deleted successfullyThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not existIllegalStateException - if this folder is not in the closed state.MessagingExceptionSee Also:FolderEventrenameTopublic abstract boolean renameTo(Folder f) throws MessagingExceptionRename this Folder. This method will succeed only on a closed Folder. If the rename is successful, a RENAMED FolderEvent is delivered to FolderListeners registered on this folder and its containing Store.Parameters:f - a folder representing the new name for this FolderReturns:true if the Folder is renamed successfullyThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not existIllegalStateException - if this folder is not in the closed state.MessagingExceptionSee Also:FolderEventopenpublic abstract void open(int mode) throws MessagingExceptionOpen this Folder. This method is valid only on Folders that can contain Messages and that are closed. If this folder is opened successfully, an OPENED ConnectionEvent is delivered to any ConnectionListeners registered on this Folder. The effect of opening multiple connections to the same folder on a specifc Store is implementation dependent. Some implementations allow multiple readers, but only one writer. Others allow multiple writers as well as readers.Parameters:mode - open the Folder READ_ONLY or READ_WRITEThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not in the closed state.MessagingExceptionSee Also:READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, getType(), ConnectionEventclosepublic abstract void close(boolean expunge) throws MessagingExceptionClose this Folder. This method is valid only on open Folders. A CLOSED ConnectionEvent is delivered to any ConnectionListeners registered on this Folder. Note that the folder is closed even if this method terminates abnormally by throwing a MessagingException.Parameters:expunge - expunges all deleted messages if this flag is trueThrows:IllegalStateException - if this folder is not openedMessagingExceptionSee Also:ConnectionEventisOpenpublic abstract boolean isOpen()Indicates whether this Folder is in the 'open' state.Returns:true if this Folder is in the 'open' state.getModepublic int getMode()Return the open mode of this folder. Returns Folder.READ_ONLY, Folder.READ_WRITE, or -1 if the open mode is not known (usually only because an older Folder provider has not been updated to use this new method).Returns:the open mode of this folderThrows:IllegalStateException - if this folder is not openedSince: JavaMail 1.1getPermanentFlagspublic abstract Flags getPermanentFlags()Get the permanent flags supported by this Folder. Returns a Flags object that contains all the flags supported. The special flag Flags.Flag.USER indicates that this Folder supports arbitrary user-defined flags. The supported permanent flags for a folder may not be available until the folder is opened.Returns:permanent flags, or null if not knowngetMessageCountpublic abstract int getMessageCount() throws MessagingExceptionGet total number of messages in this Folder. This method can be invoked on a closed folder. However, note that for some folder implementations, getting the total message count can be an expensive operation involving actually opening the folder. In such cases, a provider can choose not to support this functionality in the closed state, in which case this method must return -1. Clients invoking this method on a closed folder must be aware that this is a potentially expensive operation. Clients must also be prepared to handle a return value of -1 in this case.Returns:total number of messages. -1 may be returned by certain implementations if this method is invoked on a closed folder.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptiongetNewMessageCountpublic int getNewMessageCount() throws MessagingExceptionGet the number of new messages in this Folder. This method can be invoked on a closed folder. However, note that for some folder implementations, getting the new message count can be an expensive operation involving actually opening the folder. In such cases, a provider can choose not to support this functionality in the closed state, in which case this method must return -1. Clients invoking this method on a closed folder must be aware that this is a potentially expensive operation. Clients must also be prepared to handle a return value of -1 in this case. This implementation returns -1 if this folder is closed. Else this implementation gets each Message in the folder using getMessage(int) and checks whether its RECENT flag is set. The total number of messages that have this flag set is returned.Returns:number of new messages. -1 may be returned by certain implementations if this method is invoked on a closed folder.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptiongetUnreadMessageCountpublic int getUnreadMessageCount() throws MessagingExceptionGet the total number of unread messages in this Folder. This method can be invoked on a closed folder. However, note that for some folder implementations, getting the unread message count can be an expensive operation involving actually opening the folder. In such cases, a provider can choose not to support this functionality in the closed state, in which case this method must return -1. Clients invoking this method on a closed folder must be aware that this is a potentially expensive operation. Clients must also be prepared to handle a return value of -1 in this case. This implementation returns -1 if this folder is closed. Else this implementation gets each Message in the folder using getMessage(int) and checks whether its SEEN flag is set. The total number of messages that do not have this flag set is returned.Returns:total number of unread messages. -1 may be returned by certain implementations if this method is invoked on a closed folder.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptiongetDeletedMessageCountpublic int getDeletedMessageCount() throws MessagingExceptionGet the number of deleted messages in this Folder. This method can be invoked on a closed folder. However, note that for some folder implementations, getting the deleted message count can be an expensive operation involving actually opening the folder. In such cases, a provider can choose not to support this functionality in the closed state, in which case this method must return -1. Clients invoking this method on a closed folder must be aware that this is a potentially expensive operation. Clients must also be prepared to handle a return value of -1 in this case. This implementation returns -1 if this folder is closed. Else this implementation gets each Message in the folder using getMessage(int) and checks whether its DELETED flag is set. The total number of messages that have this flag set is returned.Returns:number of deleted messages. -1 may be returned by certain implementations if this method is invoked on a closed folder.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingExceptionSince: JavaMail 1.3getMessagepublic abstract Message getMessage(int msgnum) throws MessagingExceptionGet the Message object corresponding to the given message number. A Message object's message number is the relative position of this Message in its Folder. Messages are numbered starting at 1 through the total number of message in the folder. Note that the message number for a particular Message can change during a session if other messages in the Folder are deleted and the Folder is expunged. Message objects are light-weight references to the actual message that get filled up on demand. Hence Folder implementations are expected to provide light-weight Message objects. Unlike Folder objects, repeated calls to getMessage with the same message number will return the same Message object, as long as no messages in this folder have been expunged. Since message numbers can change within a session if the folder is expunged , clients are advised not to use message numbers as references to messages. Use Message objects instead.Parameters:msgnum - the message numberReturns:the Message objectThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not openedjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the message number is out of range.MessagingExceptionSee Also:getMessageCount(), fetch(javax.mail.Message[], javax.mail.FetchProfile)getMessagespublic Message[] getMessages(int start, int end) throws MessagingExceptionGet the Message objects for message numbers ranging from start through end, both start and end inclusive. Note that message numbers start at 1, not 0. Message objects are light-weight references to the actual message that get filled up on demand. Hence Folder implementations are expected to provide light-weight Message objects. This implementation uses getMessage(index) to obtain the required Message objects. Note that the returned array must contain (end-start+1) Message objects.Parameters:start - the number of the first messageend - the number of the last messageReturns:the Message objectsThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not - if the start or end message numbers are out of range.MessagingExceptionSee Also:fetch(javax.mail.Message[], javax.mail.FetchProfile)getMessagespublic Message[] getMessages(int[] msgnums) throws MessagingExceptionGet the Message objects for message numbers specified in the array. Message objects are light-weight references to the actual message that get filled up on demand. Hence Folder implementations are expected to provide light-weight Message objects. This implementation uses getMessage(index) to obtain the required Message objects. Note that the returned array must contain msgnums.length Message objectsParameters:msgnums - the array of message numbersReturns:the array of Message objects.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not - if any message number in the given array is out of range.MessagingExceptionSee Also:fetch(javax.mail.Message[], javax.mail.FetchProfile)getMessagespublic Message[] getMessages() throws MessagingExceptionGet all Message objects from this Folder. Returns an empty array if the folder is empty. Clients can use Message objects (instead of sequence numbers) as references to the messages within a folder; this method supplies the Message objects to the client. Folder implementations are expected to provide light-weight Message objects, which get filled on demand. This implementation invokes getMessageCount() to get the current message count and then uses getMessage() to get Message objects from 1 till the message count.Returns:array of Message objects, empty array if folder is empty.Throws:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened.MessagingExceptionSee Also:fetch(javax.mail.Message[], javax.mail.FetchProfile)appendMessagespublic abstract void appendMessages(Message[] msgs) throws MessagingExceptionAppend given Messages to this folder. This method can be invoked on a closed Folder. An appropriate MessageCountEvent is delivered to any MessageCountListener registered on this folder when the messages arrive in the folder. Folder implementations must not abort this operation if a Message in the given message array turns out to be an expunged Message.Parameters:msgs - array of Messages to be appendedThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.MessagingException - if the append failed.fetchpublic void fetch(Message[] msgs, FetchProfile fp) throws MessagingExceptionPrefetch the items specified in the FetchProfile for the given Messages. Clients use this method to indicate that the specified items are needed en-masse for the given message range. Implementations are expected to retrieve these items for the given message range in a efficient manner. Note that this method is just a hint to the implementation to prefetch the desired items. An example is a client filling its header-view window with the Subject, From and X-mailer headers for all messages in the folder. Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages(); FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile(); fp.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); fp.add("X-mailer"); folder.fetch(msgs, fp); for (int i = 0; i < folder.getMessageCount(); i++) { display(msg[i].getFrom()); display(msg[i].getSubject()); display(msg[i].getHeader("X-mailer")); } The implementation provided here just returns without doing anything useful. Providers wanting to provide a real implementation for this method should override this method.Parameters:msgs - fetch items for these messagesfp - the FetchProfileThrows:IllegalStateException - if this folder is not openedMessagingException.MessagingExceptionsetFlagspublic void setFlags(Message[] msgs, Flags flag, boolean value) throws MessagingExceptionSet the specified flags on the messages specified in the array. This will result in appropriate MessageChangedEvents being delivered to any MessageChangedListener registered on this Message's containing folder. Note that the specified Message objects must belong to this folder. Certain Folder implementations can optimize the operation of setting Flags for a group of messages, so clients might want to use this method, rather than invoking Message.setFlags for each Message. This implementation degenerates to invoking setFlags() on each Message object. Specific Folder implementations that can optimize this case should do so. Also, an implementation must not abort the operation if a Message in the array turns out to be an expunged Message.Parameters:msgs - the array of message objectsflag - Flags object containing the flags to be setvalue - set the flags to this boolean valueThrows:IllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened or if it has been opened READ_ONLY.MessagingExceptionSee Also:Message#setFlags, MessageChangedEventsetFlagspublic void setFlags(int start, int end, Flags flag, boolean value) throws MessagingExceptionSet the specified flags on the messages numbered from start through end, both start and end inclusive. Note that message numbers start at 1, not 0. This will result in appropriate MessageChangedEvents being delivered to any MessageChangedListener registered on this Message's containing folder. Certain Folder implementations can optimize the operation of setting Flags for a group of messages, so clients might want to use this method, rather than invoking Message.setFlags for each Message. The default implementation uses getMessage(int) to get each Message object and then invokes setFlags on that object to set the flags. Specific Folder implementations that can optimize this case should do so. Also, an implementation must not abort the operation if a message number refers to an expunged message.Parameters:start - the number of the first messageend - the number of the last messageflag - Flags object containing the flags to be setvalue - set the flags to this boolean valueThrows:IllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened or if it has been opened - if the start or end message numbers are out of range.MessagingExceptionSee Also:Message#setFlags, MessageChangedEventsetFlagspublic void setFlags(int[] msgnums, Flags flag, boolean value) throws MessagingExceptionSet the specified flags on the messages whose message numbers are in the array. This will result in appropriate MessageChangedEvents being delivered to any MessageChangedListener registered on this Message's containing folder. Certain Folder implementations can optimize the operation of setting Flags for a group of messages, so clients might want to use this method, rather than invoking Message.setFlags for each Message. The default implementation uses getMessage(int) to get each Message object and then invokes setFlags on that object to set the flags. Specific Folder implementations that can optimize this case should do so. Also, an implementation must not abort the operation if a message number refers to an expunged message.Parameters:msgnums - the array of message numbersflag - Flags object containing the flags to be setvalue - set the flags to this boolean valueThrows:IllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened or if it has been opened - if any message number in the given array is out of range.MessagingExceptionSee Also:Message#setFlags, MessageChangedEventcopyMessagespublic void copyMessages(Message[] msgs, Folder folder) throws MessagingExceptionCopy the specified Messages from this Folder into another Folder. This operation appends these Messages to the destination Folder. The destination Folder does not have to be opened. An appropriate MessageCountEvent is delivered to any MessageCountListener registered on the destination folder when the messages arrive in the folder. Note that the specified Message objects must belong to this folder. Folder implementations might be able to optimize this method by doing server-side copies. This implementation just invokes appendMessages() on the destination folder to append the given Messages. Specific folder implementations that support server-side copies should do so, if the destination folder's Store is the same as this folder's Store. Also, an implementation must not abort the operation if a Message in the array turns out to be an expunged Message.Parameters:msgs - the array of message objectsfolder - the folder to copy the messages toThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if the destination folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened.MessagingExceptionSee Also:appendMessages(javax.mail.Message[])expungepublic abstract Message[] expunge() throws MessagingExceptionExpunge (permanently remove) messages marked DELETED. Returns an array containing the expunged message objects. The getMessageNumber method on each of these message objects returns that Message's original (that is, prior to the expunge) sequence number. A MessageCountEvent containing the expunged messages is delivered to any MessageCountListeners registered on the folder. Expunge causes the renumbering of Message objects subsequent to the expunged messages. Clients that use message numbers as references to messages should be aware of this and should be prepared to deal with the situation (probably by flushing out existing message number caches and reloading them). Because of this complexity, it is better for clients to use Message objects as references to messages, rather than message numbers. Any expunged Messages objects still have to be pruned, but other Messages in that folder are not affected by the expunge. After a message is expunged, only the isExpunged and getMessageNumber methods are still valid on the corresponding Message object; other methods may throw MessageRemovedExceptionReturns:array of expunged Message objectsThrows:FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not existIllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened.MessagingExceptionSee Also:Message#isExpunged, MessageCountEventsearchpublic Message[] search(SearchTerm term) throws MessagingExceptionSearch this Folder for messages matching the specified search criterion. Returns an array containing the matching messages . Returns an empty array if no matches were found. This implementation invokes search(term, getMessages()), to apply the search over all the messages in this folder. Providers that can implement server-side searching might want to override this method to provide a more efficient implementation.Parameters:term - the search criterionReturns:array of matching messagesThrows:SearchException - if the search term is too complex for the implementation to handle.FolderNotFoundException - if this folder does not exist.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not opened.MessagingExceptionSee Also:SearchTermsearchpublic Message[] search(SearchTerm term, Message[] msgs) throws MessagingExceptionSearch the given array of messages for those that match the specified search criterion. Returns an array containing the matching messages. Returns an empty array if no matches were found. Note that the specified Message objects must belong to this folder. This implementation iterates through the given array of messages, and applies the search criterion on each message by calling its match() method with the given term. The messages that succeed in the match are returned. Providers that can implement server-side searching might want to override this method to provide a more efficient implementation. If the search term is too complex or contains user-defined terms that cannot be executed on the server, providers may elect to either throw a SearchException or degenerate to client-side searching by calling to invoke this implementation.Parameters:term - the search criterionmsgs - the messages to be searchedReturns:array of matching messagesThrows:SearchException - if the search term is too complex for the implementation to handle.IllegalStateException - if this folder is not openedMessagingExceptionSee Also:SearchTermaddConnectionListenerpublic void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener l)Add a listener for Connection events on this Folder. The implementation provided here adds this listener to an internal list of ConnectionListeners.Parameters:l - the Listener for Connection eventsSee Also:ConnectionEventremoveConnectionListenerpublic void removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener l)Remove a Connection event listener. The implementation provided here removes this listener from the internal list of ConnectionListeners.Parameters:l - the listenerSee Also:addConnectionListener(javax.mail.event.ConnectionListener)notifyConnectionListenersprotected void notifyConnectionListeners(int type)Notify all ConnectionListeners. Folder implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast connection events. The provided implementation queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to the registered ConnectionListeners. Note that the event dispatching occurs in a separate thread, thus avoiding potential deadlock problems.Parameters:type - the ConnectionEvent typeSee Also:ConnectionEventaddFolderListenerpublic void addFolderListener(FolderListener l)Add a listener for Folder events on this Folder. The implementation provided here adds this listener to an internal list of FolderListeners.Parameters:l - the Listener for Folder eventsSee Also:FolderEventremoveFolderListenerpublic void removeFolderListener(FolderListener l)Remove a Folder event listener. The implementation provided here removes this listener from the internal list of FolderListeners.Parameters:l - the listenerSee Also:addFolderListener(javax.mail.event.FolderListener)notifyFolderListenersprotected void notifyFolderListeners(int type)Notify all FolderListeners registered on this Folder and this folder's Store. Folder implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast Folder events. The implementation provided here queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to the FolderListeners registered on this folder. The implementation also invokes notifyFolderListeners on this folder's Store to notify any FolderListeners registered on the store.Parameters:type - type of FolderEventSee Also:notifyFolderRenamedListeners(javax.mail.Folder)notifyFolderRenamedListenersprotected void notifyFolderRenamedListeners(Folder folder)Notify all FolderListeners registered on this Folder and this folder's Store about the renaming of this folder. Folder implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast Folder events indicating the renaming of folders. The implementation provided here queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to the FolderListeners registered on this folder. The implementation also invokes notifyFolderRenamedListeners on this folder's Store to notify any FolderListeners registered on the store.Parameters:folder - Folder representing the new name.Since: JavaMail 1.1See Also:notifyFolderListeners(int)addMessageCountListenerpublic void addMessageCountListener(MessageCountListener l)Add a listener for MessageCount events on this Folder. The implementation provided here adds this listener to an internal list of MessageCountListeners.Parameters:l - the Listener for MessageCount eventsSee Also:MessageCountEventremoveMessageCountListenerpublic void removeMessageCountListener(MessageCountListener l)Remove a MessageCount listener. The implementation provided here removes this listener from the internal list of MessageCountListeners.Parameters:l - the listenerSee Also:addMessageCountListener(javax.mail.event.MessageCountListener)notifyMessageAddedListenersprotected void notifyMessageAddedListeners(Message[] msgs)Notify all MessageCountListeners about the addition of messages into this folder. Folder implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast MessageCount events for indicating arrival of new messages. The provided implementation queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to the registered MessageCountListeners. Note that the event dispatching occurs in a separate thread, thus avoiding potential deadlock problems.notifyMessageRemovedListenersprotected void notifyMessageRemovedListeners(boolean removed, Message[] msgs)Notify all MessageCountListeners about the removal of messages from this Folder. Folder implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast MessageCount events indicating removal of messages. The provided implementation queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to the registered MessageCountListeners. Note that the event dispatching occurs in a separate thread, thus avoiding potential deadlock problems.addMessageChangedListenerpublic void addMessageChangedListener(MessageChangedListener l)Add a listener for MessageChanged events on this Folder. The implementation provided here adds this listener to an internal list of MessageChangedListeners.Parameters:l - the Listener for MessageChanged eventsSee Also:MessageChangedEventremoveMessageChangedListenerpublic void removeMessageChangedListener(MessageChangedListener l)Remove a MessageChanged listener. The implementation provided here removes this listener from the internal list of MessageChangedListeners.Parameters:l - the listenerSee Also:addMessageChangedListener(javax.mail.event.MessageChangedListener)notifyMessageChangedListenersprotected void notifyMessageChangedListeners(int type, Message msg)Notify all MessageChangedListeners. Folder implementations are expected to use this method to broadcast MessageChanged events. The provided implementation queues the event into an internal event queue. An event dispatcher thread dequeues events from the queue and dispatches them to registered MessageChangedListeners. Note that the event dispatching occurs in a separate thread, thus avoiding potential deadlock problems.finalizeprotected void finalize() throws java.lang.ThrowableOverrides:finalize in class java.lang.ObjectThrows:java.lang.ThrowabletoStringpublic java.lang.String toString()override the default toString(), it will return the String from Folder.getFullName() or if that is null, it will use the default toString() behavior.Overrides:toString in class java.lang.Object Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help PREV CLASS NEXT CLASS FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHODDETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHODSubmit a bug or feature Copyright  2009-2011, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Generated on 10-February-2011 12:41 var s_code=s.t();if(s_code)document.write(s_code)Scripting on this page tracks web page traffic,but does not change the content in any way. be457b7860

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