Ranran Li

PhD candidate in personality-, social-, organizational psychology @Free University Amsterdam (ranran.li@vu.nl)

I graduated from the research master’s psychology program at the University of Amsterdam (2020), where I enriched my statistical and methodological skills. 

In September 2020, I started my PhD project studying person-situation interactions under the supervision of Reinout de Vries, Daniel Balliet, and Isabel Thielmann. My PhD project follows the work of many pioneers in the field, amongst others, Walter Mischel and Kurt Lewin. I am dedicated to uncovering the underpinnings of human behavior – with prosocial behavior, (un)ethical behavior, and truth-telling (versus dishonesty) in particular – from the (psychological) situations' perspective.

"Serious inquiry into human nature is not a luxury."

I support good science, i.e., science that is of rigorous study design and methods, transparent and reproducible process, and thought-provoking yet not overly exaggerating conclusions. I aim to contribute to the knowledge (so as practice in the long-term) of personality science, including but not limited to integrity, morality, prosociality, human nature, and promoting desirable behavior in the pursuit of truth and good.

I am also a fan of computational social science and look forward to applying multiple and advanced quantitative methods to this important line of research.

Topic of concern

Methodological interest

Latest Blogs

Decades of research have shown that personality traits (especially conscientiousness), combined with general mental ability and past experience, provide satisfactory job performance prediction. Furthermore, personality measures can predict job performance fairly well when the job activates the desired trait(s). Indeed, personality measures have been increasingly used in the industry. 

This blog touches upon some recent development in personality assessment. It is structured as follows: 

Should You Trust the MBTI Personality Assessment?

A brief summary of the problems in the MBTI personality assessment, together with some personality assessment tools, and an intro to the HEXACO model of personality.


Questionable Research Practices (if not Research Misconduct) 

in Social Science Research



for Improving the Scientific Practice Culture in China

Share my learning and reflections in attending the AOM 2020 conference from three aspects:

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