A scholar of inequality warns that while capitalism may have seen off rival economic systems, the survival of liberal democracies is anything but assured. The amoral pursuit of profit in more liberal capitalist societies has eroded the ethical norms that help sustain openness and democracy, he argues; now that tendency threatens to push such places in the direction of more authoritarian capitalist societies, such as China.

The rapid expansion of Columbia in the past two decades has brought in a huge number of highly skilled, suburban professionals, who tend to be swing voters, Burks says. This means that the voter pool in Columbia is becoming more diverse, and the influence of the liberal university population is growing smaller.

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The neoliberal agenda since the mid-1970s has been to dismantle social welfare safety net programmes, including public mental health, vocational support and affordable housing. As a result, the population in psychiatric hospitals has dramatically shrunk while the number of people with serious mental illness in jail and prison has grown geometrically. There are currently far more people with serious mental illness in jails and prisons than there are in psychiatric hospitals.

If we take seriously the warning issued by prison abolitionists such as Dean Spade, liberal legal reforms need to be advanced while we continue to remember that prisons are not safe spaces for anyone.

Nearly to a person, the members I spoke to supported Bernie Sanders during the presidential election, which places them on the anti-establishment side by the standard of most Democrats. But on other issues they are squarely in the mainstream of the party: They favor environmental protection, progressive taxation and abortion rights. The only other break from liberal orthodoxy I detected was a slightly libertarian less-government-is-better preference around issues like affirmative action.

On a more fundamental level, the LGC wants liberals to understand gun culture, separate from the NRA, and to understand the nuances of gun policy that they see. One member told me that liberals look at guns the way Republicans look at Islamic terrorism. And their knee-jerk reactions to the perceived problems were similarly extreme and close-minded: Ban the Muslims, ban the guns.

Ellis, one of the members who supports a stronger political bent, told the group that what was most important was growing the membership, which would give them the larger voice they wanted. More press meant more attention, more members and more state chapters (There are 11 official chapters now, with two more expected to come online soon). In addition, they could increase efforts to educate lawmakers, particularly Democratic politicians, who would be more inclined to listen to a group of like-minded liberals rather than the NRA about gun policy. Apart from that, given the vast differences in gun policy in different states, the national group would be best served offering resources to state chapters. There was plenty of agreement about that.

By embodying the hopes of a set of qualitative liberals who believed that postwar economic abundance opened up opportunities for self-development, David Riesman's bestselling The Lonely Crowd influenced the New Left. Yet Riesman's assessment of radical youth protest shifted over the course of the 1960s. As an antinuclear activist he worked closely with New Left leaders during the early 1960s. By the end of the decade, he became a sharp critic of radical protest. However, other leading members of Riesman's circle, such as Kenneth Keniston, author of the influential Young Radicals (1968), applied Riesman's ideas to create more sympathetic understandings of the New Left. Examining reactions to the New Left by Riesman and his associates allows historians to go beyond the common understanding of the key ideological divisions of the 1960s as existing between liberalism and radicalism or between liberalism and conservatism to better appreciate the significance of splits among liberals themselves.

The people. I've found that in my more STEM-oriented classes, it's all big lecture halls and distant professors. It can feel very lonely at times. But English has always given me a chance to connect with people, both teachers and fellow students. I love the opportunities the department provides to just sit down and share a conversation about a book that we've all read together.

Before the final vote on the Constitution on September 15, Edmund Randolph proposed that amendments be made by the state conventions and then turned over to another general convention for consideration. He was joined by George Mason and Elbridge Gerry. The three lonely allies were soundly rebuffed. Late in the afternoon the roll of the states was called on the Constitution, and from every delegation the word was "Aye."

Stqy, the Lekwungen word for the wolf that came to be known as Takaya, is thought to have lived a celibate existence for almost eight years on Discovery and Chatham Islands, the territory of the Songhees Nation. The islands rest in the Salish Sea; a thin barrier of water separated Takaya from the faux-English tourist shops and manicured flower beds of the provincial capital of Victoria.

Takaya assumed celebrity status after inexplicably surfacing on the islands off southern Vancouver Island in May 2012. Boaters, kayakers, and photographers occasionally witnessed this wild predator in his archipelago home about 1.25 kilometers from a regional population approaching 400,000.

Darimont coauthored a 2009 study published in the journal Conservation Genetics reporting that government-sanctioned eradication programs, including bounties, started around 1920 and virtually wiped out wolves on Vancouver Island by 1950. They were back by the 1970s, island-hopping their way from the BC mainland to Vancouver Island.

To better inform management of the species, the regional fish and wildlife department in the mid-island city of Nanaimo has embarked on a study to compare the DNA of wolves on Vancouver Island with those in the interior and the mainland coast. Hunters and trappers are encouraged to submit air-dried tissue samples such as an ear tip or skin flap from the abdominal area of any wolf killed.

Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821, in a damp and rat-infested house in St. Helena, a remote island in the middle of the South Atlantic, where he was living in exile. He was 51. (See a painting that captures Bonaparte's final moments.)

While the restoration of bondage in Guadeloupe in 1802 became a turning point in the Haitian Revolution, so too did the capture of its leader, Louverture, who died a lonely death in a cold French prison.

Standing in the way of this new southern strategy was the US Navy, still getting settled into its new homeport in Pearl Harbor. Japanese strategic thinking ran something like this. Open the war with a lightning blow against the Americans, knocking the US fleet out of the picture temporarily. With the United States licking its wounds, launch a vast campaign of conquest in the South Pacific, and fortify the new conquests against the inevitable US counterattack. No US President in his right mind, Japanese planners believed, would try to reconquer the entire Pacific Ocean, island by island. Losses would be too high, and at any rate, Americans lacked the stomach for such a long, drawn-out war. They were too soft.

Early on December 7, 1941, citizens and servicemembers alike in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, faced terror as Japanese planes rained fire on the island in a stunning surprise attack. The assault quickly plunged the United States into a world-changing war. Each year, The National WWII Museum commemorates those who lost their lives on that fateful December day.

The point I wish plainly to bring before you on this occasion is the individuality of each human soul; our Protestant idea, the right of individual conscience and judgment--our republican idea, individual citizenship. In discussing the rights of woman, we are to consider, first, what belongs to her as an individual, in a world of her own, the arbiter of her own destiny, an imaginary Robinson Crusoe with her woman Friday on a solitary island. Her rights under such circumstances are to use all her faculties for her own safety and happiness.

An uneducated woman, trained to dependence, with no resources in herself must make a failure of any position in life. But society says women do not need a knowledge of the world, the liberal training that experience in public life must give, all the advantages of collegiate education; but when for the lock of all this, the woman's happiness is wrecked, alone she bears her humiliation; and the attitude of the weak and the ignorant in indeed pitiful in the wild chase for the price of life they are ground to powder.

The chief reason for opening to every soul the doors to the whole round of human duties an pleasures is the individual development thus attained, the resources thus provided under all circumstances to mitigate the solitude that at times must come to everyone. I once asked Prince Krapotkin, the Russian nihilist, how he endured his long years in prison, deprived of books, pen, ink, and paper. "Ah," he said, "I thought out many questions in which I had a deep interest. In the pursuit of an idea I took no note of time. When tired of solving knotty problems I recited all the beautiful passages in prose or verse I have ever learned. I became acquainted with myself and my own resources. I had a world of my own, a vast empire, that no Russian jailor or Czar could invade." Such is the value of liberal thought and broad culture when shut off from all human companionship, bringing comfort and sunshine within even the four walls of a prison cell.

As women of times share a similar fate, should they not have all the consolation that the most liberal education can give? Their suffering in the prisons of St. Petersburg; in the long, weary marches to Siberia, and in the mines, working side by side with men, surely call for all the self-support that the most exalted sentiments of heroism can give. When suddenly roused at midnight, with the startling cry of "fire! fire!" to find the house over their heads in flames, do women wait for men to point the way to safety? And are the men, equally bewildered and half suffocated with smoke, in a position to more than try to save themselves? be457b7860

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