The International Conference RANLP 2019 would like to invite students at all levels (Bachelor-, Master-, and PhD-students) to present their ongoing or completed work at the Student Research Workshop. We invite two types of student submissions:

  • Full Papers – unpublished original research of the student.
  • Short Papers – either a work in progress or a research proposal.

The aim of this workshop is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between young researchers by providing an excellent opportunity to present and discuss their work in progress or completed projects to an international research audience and receive feedback from senior researchers. The research being presented can come from any topic area within Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics, including but not limited to the following topic areas:

Phonetics and phonology; morphology; lexicon; syntax; semantics; discourse; pragmatics; dialogue; mathematical foundations; formal grammars and languages; language and logic; complexity; finite-state technology; statistical models for natural language processing; machine learning for NLP; word embeddings; word representation; deep learning for NLP; similarity; evaluation; sublanguages and controlled languages; similar languages, varieties and dialects; lexicography; language resources and corpora; corpus annotation; crowdsourcing; terminology; ontologies; text segmentation; POS tagging; parsing; semantic role labelling; sentence meaning representation; word-sense disambiguation; computational treatment of multiword expressions; computational treatment of humour, sarcasm and irony; textual entailment; anaphora and coreference resolution; negation and speculation; temporal processing; natural language generation; speech recognition; text-to-speech synthesis; knowledge acquisition; text categorisation; machine translation, including statistical machine translation and neural machine translation; translation technology including translation memory systems; information retrieval; information extraction; event extraction; question answering; text summarisation; term extraction; text and web mining; opinion mining and sentiment analysis; multimodal systems; natural language processing for educational applications; automated writing assistance; text simplification; NLP for biomedical texts; author profiling and related applications; chatbots; conversational agents; fact checking; aggression identification; text analytics; computer-aided language learning; stance detection; computational cognitive modelling; language and vision; language processing of financial texts; NLP for digital humanities; multilingual NLP; NLP for social media; NLP for users with disabilities and for mental health sector; NLP for the semantic web; patents search; theoretical papers related to NLP.

Papers at the borderline between two sciences (but bearing contributions to NLP) or applying NLP to another domain, will be also accepted for review. All accepted papers will be presented at the Student Workshop sessions during the main conference days: 2-4 September 2019. The articles will be issued in a special Student Session proceedings and uploaded to the ACL Anthology.


Submission deadline (EXTENDED): 15 July 2019

Acceptance notification: 04 August 2019

Camera-ready deadline: 20 August 2019

Workshop: 04-06 September 2017

All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("anywhere on Earth")