Ran Huo

I am a research fellow in probability in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne. I am currently working on problems for stochastics epidemic models, under the supervision of Prof. Malwina Luczak.

My specialization lies in probability theory, in particular stochastic processes on random graphs. One example is the spread of opinions/diseases on large networks. Moreover, I am interested in stochastic modeling, statistics and data science. I enjoy analyzing the pattern of the data and have a strong interest in using Bayesian analysis with maching learning to tackle big data challenges that arise from geology, biology, epidemiology, and other applied areas.

Before joinning the University of Melbourne, I graduated from Duke University in 2019. My dissertation focused on voter models on random graphs. My advisor was Prof. Rick Durrett. Meanwhile I obtained my master's degree in statistics under the supervision of Prof. Sayan Mukherjee.

  • email: ran.huo@unimelb.edu.au

  • office: Peter Hall Building G61