
Interested in joining Rangers? Contact one of the Recruiting Bureau personnel listed below via Discord DM!

Colonel GreenBeret - GreenBeret#1439

We offer an able, experienced leadership team ready to assist you in growing as a CoN player and member of the CoN community. We have a fully-functioning rank system and award system to recognize your achievements! We accept players of all experience levels.

When applying, please keep in mind the following requirements:

  • Applicants need to speak at least good English

  • Applicants need to be 13 years old or older

  • Applicants must use Discord daily and have a verified email address connected to their Discord account

  • Applicants must be willing to follow all Rangers rules and guidelines, as well as all rules, terms, policies, and guidelines of Discord, Dorado Games, and Conflict of Nations

  • Applicants must be at least Rank 15 on CoN (preferably Rank 25)

All applicants will be vetted by the Recruiting Bureau officer they get in touch with before being invited to our official Discord server to formally apply. An example of the Application Form is below.

1. Discord name
2. CoN name
3. How long have you been playing CoN? Do you use Mobile, PC, or both?
4. What is your favorite unit(s) and your favorite strategy?
5. How often do you use gold, and how much do you use?
6. Do you have a Security Council membership?
7. Are you willing to obey all orders, adhere to assigned build plans, and do whatever it takes to get a win for the alliance?
8. What's the biggest way you could help the alliance?
9. How often are you on Discord? How often are you on CoN?
10. Have you been in any alliance(s) before? If so, why did you leave?
11. What is your time zone and native language?
12. What is your age? (A range is an acceptable answer)
13. Where did you hear about Rangers?
14. Please post a screenshot of your basic CoN stats (provinces won/lost, etc) below.