The series follows the adventures of Will, an orphan, who is chosen as an apprentice Ranger, one of the skilled trackers, archers, and warriors in the service of the King of Araluen. Will strives to keep the Kingdom of Araluen safe from invaders, traitors, and other threats. He is joined on his adventures by his mentor, Halt, and his best friend Horace.

Morgarath, an exiled baron, has been waiting fifteen years, carefully planning his revenge against the Kingdom of Araluen. He prepares to unleash his power and attempt once more to take control of the kingdom. In Redmont Fief, a special day has come for 15-year-old Will and his fellow wardmates Horace, Alyss, George, and Jenny, called Choosing Day, where they all become either an apprentice to a craftmaster or work on the local farms. Will is apprenticed to Halt the Ranger, part of the country's elite intelligence group. The Rangers specialize in long-range weapons and the art of staying unseen. Will begins to train in these skills.

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Halt, Will and Gilan (Halt's former apprentice, now a fully-fledged Ranger) leave to track down and kill the Kalkara. Halt thinks that the Kalkara are headed to the ruins of Gorlan. Morgarath's former castle. He tells Will to go back to Redmont, get backup, and rendezvous at the ruins. Back in Redmont, Baron Arald and Sir Rodney head out to slay the Kalkara and to save Halt. Finding that Halt is battling the Kalkara alone, Sir Rodney and Baron Arald manage to knock one of the beasts into the fire, but are badly injured by the other. Will shoots the Kalkara in the chest with a flaming arrow, which proves to be fatal. Back in his own fief, Will is considered a hero and receives his bronze oakleaf, which identifies him as a Ranger's apprentice.

The Lost Stories consists of nine different short stories, set at various times before, during, and after the events of the previous ten books. It includes the tale of Will's father, what happened to Gilan during the events of The Icebound Land, the story of Halt's apprenticeship in Hibernia, and several stories following the main characters after the conclusion of The Emperor of Nihon-Ja, including one where Will and Alyss get married.

Years after the events of the previous books, Will Treaty tries to cope with the death of his wife Alyss, who died in an inn set on fire by the gang leader Jory Ruhl. When Will's friends begin to notice the change in his personality, Gilan, the new Ranger Commandant, calls on Halt, Pauline, Cassandra, and Horace to discuss the situation. Halt suggests that Will take on an apprentice to take his mind off his quest for revenge against Jory. Meanwhile, Princess Madelyn (Maddie), the daughter of Horace and Cassandra, sneaks out at night to use her sling to hunt, against the will of her parents. Halt suggests that Maddie be apprenticed to Will, which would make Maddie the first female apprentice in Ranger history. At the beginning of her apprenticeship, Will gives Maddie a letter from her parents, which says she has been disinherited as a princess of Araluen, in a desperate last resort by her parents to get her under control. Will proceeds to train Maddie, and his quest for revenge is slowly forgotten. When Gilan suggests Will take Maddie on a mission, Will accepts.

Gilan assigns Will and Maddie to investigate the death of Liam, another Ranger. They soon discover a plot by an illicit slave ring who kidnaps children. Will learns that the leader of the slave ring is actually Jory Ruhl, but he manages to set aside his desire for revenge to save the children Ruhl has kidnapped. Maddie is injured in the process, and Will kills Ruhl to save her. Six months later, Maddie is awarded her bronze oakleaf, marking her as an official Ranger's apprentice, and Cassandra offers her reinstatement as a princess. However, Maddie declines, saying she wishes to complete her apprenticeship instead.

Will, an orphan who becomes an apprentice to the mysterious protectors known as Rangers, strives to keep the Kingdom of Araluen safe from invaders, traitors and other threats in this New York Times bestselling series for action and adventure lovers.

John Flanagan's bestselling Ranger's Apprentice series began as a series of short stories written for his young son. The books follow an orphan named Will who becomes an apprentice to a group of mysterious protectors known as the Rangers.

Beginning as a series of short stories written for his son, The Ranger's Apprentice series is John Flanagan's bestselling action and adventure series. Starring Will, an orphan who becomes an apprentice to the mysterious protectors known as the Rangers, these books are known for containing vivid detail and maintaining their realism.

the start of it is pretty solid but then they go inside, where is stated that Will never refused a mission wich isn't the case, Book 12 where Maddie became his apprentice the reason for that was because he refused mission after mission

Ranger's Apprentice is a series of novels written by John Flanagan. It centers around the titular character Will Treaty, the apprentice of Ranger Halt, though he graduates from his apprenticeship partway through the series. It is based on a collection of short stories originally written by Flanagan to encourage his son to enjoy reading. This series is now being sold in 13 international markets.

On a special mission for the Rangers, Will, his friend Horace, an apprentice knight, and the Ranger Gilan travel to a neighboring country, Celtica. They discover that all the villagers are gone. Will and Horace wonder if all the villagers have been slain or captured, but Gilan thinks that the evil Lord Morgarath finally devised a plan to cross the mountain pass.

Thank you! These are a good books. I did find a series very similar to rangers apprentice, Ahren the 13th paladin by torsten weitze. The main character is like will though his father is a drunk who abuses him, they both love the forest and have a gruff and stern master who eventually becomes a father figure to him. Their relationship is a strong one and the characters are really well developed and have really interesting personalities. Though there is magic, it makes the adventures more exotic. I really recommend this series, to anyone looking for something similar to rangers apprentice!!

Ranger's apprentice is a very suspenseful book that leaves you on the edge of your seat making you not want to stop reading. Ranger's apprentice takes place during the medieval times when knights and castles had existed. It starts out with an orphan Will (the main character) who is struggling to keep up with his fellow orphans who want to pursue their dreams of aspiring their perfect career for them, Will, one of the skinniest and shortest kids in the orphanage wants to go to battle school to aspire his dream. Sadly enough Will's dreams were crushed when the choosing ceremony took place, but then something remarkable happened...

Have you heard the term silent but deadly? Well, that's basically the rangers of Araluen. Do you love castles, knights, and sneaky spies? Then this is the book for you! Experience the optimistic, ever-friendly, determined ranger in training, Will! Also find the grim, grumpy, cold, ranger Halt! Many characters introduced are gems in the mine of this masterpiece! Find the rangers looking for ways to stop the evil Morgarath, Lord of the mountain of rain and night. And, most of all, keep the Kalkara away from the King! As this wonder unfolds before readers, many will be inticed on page one! John Flanagan is the author of this series and more. Keep on writing as we keep on reading, John!

The ranger's apprentice: ruins of gorlan is a thrilling book that will ked you on the edge of your seat. If you love a book that takes place in medieval times, then it is a great choice for you. The main. character, will. Lives in an orphanage known as the ward. In the ward, he was placed in a choosing ceremony. where masters choose their apprentice to mentor. When will goes up, he is not accepted by a single master. Accept the one that thinks there is something special about him.

I found this book very intriguing. As an 8th grader i found that this book drew me in and i wanted more and more of this series. I fell in love with all of the characters and my favorite character is Halt. I enjoy Halt and his mean behavior, although he really cares about the people he cares about most. Will is interesting because he is just very caring and would do anything for his friends. Will is a great comrade to have in battle. Gilan is very... well let's say that he is very goofy, but he is one of the best trained rangers with amazing talent in not only the ranger field, but in the knight range as well. Horace's behavior at the beginning had me angry at him and my hate blossomed. Then whenever he began to act nicer as Will and him became friends. Then he got a taste of his own medicine in battleschool which made me believe that he would learn from it. I'm very happy that he did. I absolutely love this book and I enjoyed the entire series in general. I'm looking forward to more books coming out to the additional 16.

Fifteen-year-old orphan Will believes his father died a mighty warrior. He hopes to honour his legacy by getting selected for Battleschool training but is too small and is rejected. Instead, he becomes a Ranger's apprentice to the mysterious Halt.

They have always scared him in the past - the Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now 15-year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger's apprentice. What he doesn't yet realize is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom. Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. 2351a5e196

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