Use this tool as test data for an automated system or find your next pen pal by cold snail-mailing letter to a random address. If its not an actual address, the post office should return it back to sender.

It may just be fun to annoy your local post office by mailing letters to these locations. They'll have figure out that its an incorrect address and get it back to you. Then you can readdress it to some other fake random address.

Random Us Address


So this morning when I got into my car, a random address showed in my recent history list. I've never been there (according to google history), it's a residence not a business. My ex was on my google one account until a few months ago. Is it possible it's comingling her navigation history and mine? Is there any way to trace where/why that address showed up?

Hello,I am writing an application in Qt that runs on the computer and interacts with a nRF51422 via BLE. Now I have noticed, that I have to tell the framework, which address type is used.When I try to connect to the nRF51 with Qt set to PublicAddress, I simply get a timeout.

Is there any algorithm to check if a BLE address is public or random?In the TI forums I read that the two MSBs differ for the three types of random addresses. But is there a similar code to distinguish a random address from a public address?

To make it faster I leave here screenshot from official BT SIG BLE training slides, it should be evident what options are for 48-bit MAC address coding in BLE (note that BLE is using little endian so right-most bytes and bits are in fact most significant aka MSB;)

Thanks for your reply. I already knew that the three types of random addresses are distinguishable with their two MSBs. The only way to recognize a public address is this 49th bit with the caption TxAdd/RxAdd. Is this right? But what is the name of this bit? With those keywords, I can not find anything interesting in the Bluetooth SIG document...

In this case, I believe the answer is no. The pointer will take a virtual address. Being something allocated dynamically, it will get an address belonging to the Heap that will never start at address 0.

While it was enabled by default, I remember issues with pihole -r detecting some temporary address and using it, which lead to run pihole -r again whenever it changed. Since I got DHCPv6, I hope pihole -r will detect the DHCP-assigned address and use it.

First of all:

Security =/= Privacy

Since you are connecting to the internet with the unique IP address of the device, having a permanently static address makes it easier to track you. With NAT, each device seems to have the same IP address and so you gain a little obfuscation of what device is actually connecting. You don't have that anymore without NAT66.

I'm pretty sure that just changed the IP address that is displayed on the settings page and checked for in the debug log. That shouldn't have mattered for Pi-hole's operation, though, as long as you gave your clients the static IP address.

Thats a good question. I experience Linux clients and other devices like Smart TVs / Cellphone getting assigned one global DHCPv6 IP, which seemingly is the ISP prefix plus parts of the link local fe80:: address. Together its the EUI-64 if I understood this correctly.

So then Windows clients come into play and they are confusing me. In addition to EUI-64 and link local IPv6, Windows 10 apparently generates a random IPv6 for every connection it opens. At least it feels that way.

I don't think Windows even uses all those generated addresses, since in Pi-Hole Network Table I see the Windows Clients with only three IPs assigned: IPv4, EUI-64 and link local IPv6, not those 200 random/temporary.

That I had before DHCPv6, when there was only ULA and some random EUI-64 for each client, causing each client have 20+ IPv6s in Pi-Hole network table and Pi-Hole unable to determine IPv6 hostnames for stats correctly. That finally changed with proper DHCPv6 and now all hostnames are know to Pi-Hole.

No. EUI-64 in IPv6 refers to a method of constructing an interface identifier (64 bits) from a network interface's MAC. An IPv6 address can then be constructed by combining that interface identifier with any given IPv6 prefix.

No, it doesn't on the client side (edit: however, a client may request a temporary address from a DHCPv6 server (see RFC 8415 section 6.5)).

But providing a DHCPv6 server in your network would not stop a client from constructing IPv6 Privacy Extension addresses (RFC 4941) for itself in addition to any addresses acquired by DHCPv6. You'd have to additionally adjust your router's an/or your clients' configurations to make sure that only DHCPv6 would be in effect. If IPv6 Privacy Extension address is present, most OSs will prefer to use it, at least for connecting to public IPv6 IPs.

Once such an address expires (when its preferred lifetime (RFC suggested default: one day) has been reached), it becomes deprecated, i.e. it won't be used to newly establish outgoing connections - but it will remain active to receive incoming traffic until it becomes invalid (RFC suggested default: 7 days).

Access from external via port forwarding is done in FRITZ!Box by specifying a non-changing identifier of the device. This is usually via EUI-64-based identifiers with FF:FE derived from the MAC address. For its own outgoing IPv6 traffic of the client service, the operating system then uses the randomized temporary identifiers for privacy reasons.

Actually I don't know how stepping from bootloader to main FW in debug mode In bootloader not goes into a Hard Fault, but in main FW in hal_delay i goes into some error (Break at address "0x20004000" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.)

that in my microcontroller it is impossible to change the vector table, as in other versions, I need to copy the vector table from the address 0x08000000 to 0x080000BC in SRAM from the address 0x20000000, if so, then now I'm trying to check if the copy is correct

Break at address "0x20004000" is right beyond end of RAM. Hm, could be stack or vector table related, probably the latter. The HAL initialization probably sets up and *enables* SysTick interrupt, even before your vector table copying takes place. To overcome this, the vector table copying must be done in the startup code *before* "main" is called.

I am trying to change the address type to static random address, but after the modification the basic_ble example did not work anymore. The program never enters App_StackInitDoneHandler() after executing vTaskStartScheduler().

I suppose this is a bug in the stack, would you please help file a ticket to fix this? Since CC2340 does not support a secondary BLE address in CCFG, customers are using the random address to specify the address of their products, this could impact other customers as well.

Is there any other HCI command to be able to find the phone after address is changed?


 I have seen an Add to resolve list command, that I will try as a next step. Maybe you have another approach, but I want to have it as simple as it can be :) .

This simple code should check what I2C addresses are found on each port of the TCA multiplexer, but when I run it the Serial monitor finds 3 addresses on each port when there is literally nothing connected!

So when I connect a sensor to the TCA, say port 2 and run the Multiplexer tester script, the address of that sensor also appears on all ports again even though it's only connected to 1 port.

In addition there is 0x0 now appeared for who knows what reason.

So this is apparently not a new scam, but one I've just run into twice now in the last two weeks on Ebay (have been a consistent buyer for 20 years). In both cases, the sellers supposedly sent the items I ordered to me, but they were never delivered. On the first one, I just thought UPS delivered it to the wrong address. However, when I called UPS, they said the delivery address for that tracking number was another address (nothing like mine) in my postal code and that the sender was Amazon. That obviously didn't make sense so when I contacted Ebay, they initially denied the refund claim, but then overturned it when I told them UPS could verify that the delivery address wasn't mine (I can only assume they called UPS to confirm).

Fast-forward two weeks and I had the same thing happen again - this time with a USPS package. Again, the tracking said the item was delivered and again nothing was delivered (I'm WFH). So I went to the post office and they told me the delivery address for the tracking number was a parcel locker in my postal code with the address again being nothing like mine. So I again file for a refund and the automated Ebay system denies my claim because the tracking shows the package was delivered. I again call them to appeal telling them that all they need to do is call USPS and give them the tracking number and USPS will confirm the delivery address isn't mine. This time Ebay denied the appeal saying the tracking shows the item was delivered. I've sent three subsequent responses detailing what they need to do to confirm the seller didn't send the item to my address, but each time they respond with some version of the boilerplate response saying the tracking shows the package was delivered. As an aside, the post office again confirmed the tracking number origination was an Amazon warehouse so somehow these folks are probably ordering cheap items from Amazon and then having them delivered to random addresses in the target postal code and reusing the tracking number for the more expensive item posted on Ebay.

Anyways, my question is how do I escalate this to someone on the Ebay side that has half a brain and will make a simple phone call to the the USPS to confirm what I'm saying is true regarding the delivery address on the tracking not being mine? Thanks!

The bots see that tracking states DELIVERED so you will automatically lose an Item Not Received case.

You take the tracking number down to the carrier (post office/FedEx/UPS). Have them check their GPS

coordinates for where the package was delivered. If it was NOT to your name/address, then you get

that statement on their letterhead. They do not need to state where it was delivered, just NOT to you. e24fc04721

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