The idea behind Facebook was to provide an online book of faces for university students to connect and share information. It was initially a social network for Harvard and expanded in the following years to any university. It eventually became a social network for anyone, anywhere in the world.

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The parties lodged a First Stipulation of Facts on November 19, 2019, comprised of 654 stipulation paragraphs, exclusive of subparagraphs, and 1,128 joint exhibits. Of the subject matter listed above, the First Stipulation of Facts addressed Board of Directors, Facebook User Blogs, Facebook Newsroom, Facebook Terms (in part), Intercompany Agreements, and Developer Blogs. For the remaining subject matter listed above (Technology Development, Growth and Internationalization, Company Goals, and International Newsletters), the parties have exchanged subsequent drafts and correspondence. Given that there are multiple outstanding matters yet to be stipulated, respondent may be required to file a supplemental Rule 91(f).

Whether, for the 2010 taxable year, additional income should be allocated under section 4824 to Facebook from its newly-formed foreign subsidiary FIH in connection with a cost sharing arrangement ("CSA") having a stated effective date of September 15, 2010. Respondent determined that the pricing between Facebook and FIH was not arm's length and allocated income in the amount of 5200,124,290 to Facebook for the 2010 taxable year,5

Whether Facebook's deductions should be disallowed that exceed its share of reasonably anticipated benefits ("RAB") allocated under section 482 for the 2010 taxable year in connection with the CSA. An adjustment of $5,390,144 is impacted by this issue.6

Evan Priestley (Facebook, Software Engineer). Mr. Priestley is expected to testify about his time at Facebook, including his experience with developing Facebook's software and infrastructure, and Facebook's processes and tools in connection with technology development.

Itamar Rosenn (Facebook, Software Engineer). Mr. Rosenn is expected to testify about his time at Facebook, including his experience with Facebook's use of data science, testing, experimentation, and other analytics in connection with users and product development.

By September 15, 2010, Facebook stored data regarding its users and their connections to other users and entities. Additionally, Facebook had also accumulated a vast amount of data created by monitoring and recording the interactions of these users over time. At that time, Facebook used this data to develop products and services that more effectively appealed to users, worked more efficiently, and increased engagement and other metrics important to Facebook. Facebook would have reasonably anticipated that this data would continue to contribute to its ability to develop products and services in similar ways in the future.10

One of Facebook's key strategies during the year at issue was to expand its worldwide user base (i.e., "to make the world more . . . connected"48). Facebook prioritized product quality and long-term user growth over short-term monetization objectives.

Around June 2008, Facebook engaged in tax planning in connection with its international expansion and sought to "consolidate international profitability in a low-tax jurisdiction (and minimize profitability and tax exposure at the local country level), and thereby lower [its] effective global corporate tax rate."58 In August 2008, Facebook indicated internally that it selected Ireland as the low-tax jurisdiction to establish its international headquarters.59 On October 2, 2008, Facebook publicly announced that it selected Ireland as Facebook's international headquarters.60

Under the 2009 IPLA, Facebook US purportedly granted FIH a nonexclusive license to "the Facebook System and Confidential Information" and "Marks" in all countries worldwide, excluding the United States and Canada ("ROW").76 Either party could terminate the 2009 IPLA at any time without cause upon ninety days' prior written notice,77 The 2009 IPLA did not contain any exhibits that identified the licensed intangible property, and Facebook believes such exhibits were either not prepared or not attached to the executed 2009 IPLA.78 The 2009 IPLA did not contain any provision explicitly addressing ownership or rights to improvements to licensed intangible property upon termination of the agreement.79

Under the terms of the Cost Sharing Agreement, Facebook US granted FIH "the exclusive right to commercialize the Facebook Online Platform by concluding (or having a licensee conclude) contracts with advertisers, users, developers and other persons or entities that are based in" the ROW.99

Under the terms of the Operating License Agreement, FIH granted to FIL an exclusive license to collectively utilize and commercialize the Facebook Online Platform, User Base, and FIH's Confidential Information in the ROW.100 FIH also granted to FIL a non-exclusive license to utilize the Marketing Intangibles. The Operating License Agreement specified a royalty payable by FIL to FIH that was calculated to provide FIL a return equal to 10 percent of its direct operating expenses.101

By September 15, 2010, Facebook had created a large and sophisticated technological operation, capable of providing multiple complex services to users. It was composed of, and enabled by, a number of different projects, systems, and technologies (collectively, "Systems").104 At that time, Facebook relied on many of these Systems to more efficiently and effectively develop new products, improve the performance of its Systems, better monitor and collect data from its Systems, and support new types of services and features.105 Facebook stored data regarding each of its users and their connections to other users and entities.106 Additionally, Facebook had accumulated a vast amount of data created by monitoring and recording the interactions of these users with the Systems over time,107 Facebook used this data to develop products and services that more effectively appealed to users, worked more efficiently, and increased engagement and other metrics important to Facebook.108 Facebook would have reasonably anticipated that by September 15, 2010, its Systems in place and accumulated user data would continue to contribute to Facebook's technological development in the same ways in the future.109

Facebook operates an economic platform.117 An economic platform or network is a business model that enables interactions and exchanges among users of the platform, facilitating value creation for the users.118 A multisided platform enables interactions among different types of users.119 The Facebook service connected Facebook's user, advertising, and developer communities.120 Facebook's technology enables interactions and the exchange of value among users, advertisers, developers, and others.121

Homing costs and switching costs play a role, too. Homing costs are the costs to a user of affiliating with a platform.130 Switching costs are the costs to a user of changing from one platform to another.131 The presence of strong network effects can create switching costs. In general, if a user leaves a large network for a small one, then that user forgoes the benefits of the larger network.132 When switching costs are high, then one firm may come to dominate a market.133 Switching costs for Facebook users meant leaving friends, connections, and data behind to leave Facebook for another platform.134

Facebook leveraged the network effects among its users to develop products and features designed to attract more users, developers, advertisers, and other platform participants, and to increase user engagement. For example, Facebook used contact importers (which enabled new user to import their email address books) and "People You May Know" ("PYMK") (which used imported contacts and other data to display other users with whom a user might want to connect) to help users find friends quickly, invite other users, and engage on site. Facebook used the Photos application and News Feed to accelerate the creation, sharing of, and interaction with content created by other platform participants. The Facebook Platform enabled outside developers to create applications within Facebook where users created content, made connections, and engaged with other platform participants.136

Facebook's mission from 2008 through 2010 was to give "people the power to share and make the world more open and connected."140 Facebook prioritized user growth over short-term revenue growth to fulfill the company's mission.141 Facebook focused on increasing value for users by developing its overall product to enhance user experience and keep audiences engaged on the site for longer periods of time. This included giving users the ability to, among other things, upload photos and tag friends, create a Friends list, explore a News Feed of relevant posts, and join Groups.142

In 2007, Facebook revolutionized Internet advertising with the launch of Facebook Ads.156 Mr. Zuckerberg described Facebook Ads as "a completely new way of advertising online."157 Facebook's new social advertising proposition contained three components: (1) Facebook Pages, a new way for companies to build pages on the social network free of charge; (2) a social ad system that included socially enhanced ads which combined social actions by Facebook users' friends with advertisers' messages, and Facebook Ads Manager, an online self-service tool enabling advertisers to plan and buy targeted Facebook Social Ads campaigns; and (3) Facebook Insights, a tool to enable advertisers to track fans of their Pages and monitor their social ad campaign performance.158 These innovations allowed Facebook to provide a "unique combination of benefits" for advertisers including huge audience reach and engagement, unrivalled targeting capabilities, and unique advertising and marketing products that allowed advertisers to establish a direct connection with users and benefit from "word-of-mouth" marketing through the social graph.159 589ccfa754

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