
Kamal Gupta


Phone: +1-778-782-3118


Kamal Gupta obtained his B.Tech. degree from I.I.T. Delhi, India, and M.Eng. and Ph.D. (1987) degrees from McGill University, Canada, all in Electrical Engineering. He is a full professor in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. His research interests are in the geometric aspects of robotics and automation, in particular motion planning, mobile-manipulation and geometric reasoning, and 3-dimensional vision for robotic tasks. He has also consulted for robotics and automation companies in these areas.

Dr. Gupta has authored over one hundred journal and conference publications. His work on motion planning in time varying environments is considered seminal in the field. He is internationally known for his several contributions in the motion planning field and his work is well referenced and cited in the literature.

Dr. Gupta has held Visiting Scientist positions at INRIA, Rhone-Alpes, France, and at the Robotics Lab, Stanford University. He served as a co-chair of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society's Technical Committee on Motion and Path Planning during 1996-2004. He is a co-editor of a book "Practical Motion Planning in Robotics: Current Approaches and Future Directions" , published by John Wiley.

Dr. Gupta served as associate director of School of Engineering Science during 2003-2010. He has also served in various administrative roles at the department, university and national levels.