Courses, Workshops & Webinars

Documented Courses & Workshops

Academic Support


Webinar Zotero.mp4

Zotero Introduction

This course in Spanish offers an effective introduction to Zotero, a free reference manager.

Spectral Deconvolution 

This video tutorial offers a brief explanation about how to use Origin to separate spectral peaks.

Chromatography Tutorials

Axion Labs offers a series of excellent videotutorials on different topics of GC and HPLC

Raman Tutorials

Tutorials about Raman Spectroscopy fundamentals and operation produced by Thermo

PM10 Analysis by TXRF

It shows a protocol to perform elemental analysis by TXRF on PM10 particulate matter

Electroanalysis Tutorials

This series of videos produced by PINE present fundamentals and specialized applications

Nanoparticle Characterization 1

Nanoparticle Characterization 2

Cyclic Voltammetry

An easy tutorial to perform this electroanalytical technique

Raman Webinars

Live and recorded webinars produced by Rewnishaw 

Raman Webinars

A series of webinars from different applications produced by Horiba

Raman Tutorials

A series of tutorials to familiarize with the operation of Horiba's Raman Microscope

Thermal Analysis

A collection of videos, including: service, tutorials, webinars produced by TA Instruments

Bruker FTIR Tutorials

Multiple videos dealing with the operation and applications of FTIR

Autochem II Tutorials

Autochem II Software

Electrochemistry Tutorials

Electrochemistry Tutorials

Cool Electrochemistry!

Chalk talk discussing how to use the double layer capacitance to assess surface area

Webinars on Demand

Metrohm Webinars

Videos related to different analytical applications

Agilent Webinars

Videos related to different analytical applications in Spanish