
Membership is open to all parents, expectant parents, grandparents, and legal guardians of multiples.

Membership benefits include monthly meetings, Spring and Fall yardsale, the annual MAPOM convention, Mentor Program, family seasonal and holiday parties, and access to private FB page. Members are also entitled to benefits from RAMOM'S membership in the National Organization of Multiples of America.


     RAMOM is a registred 501-3 c Dues are $40/year. Dues are prorated based on when you join.

New and prospective members are encouraged to visit meetings or play dates up to three times to learn what the group is all about.

Follow the below link and instructions to begin registration!

Multiples Of America

A portion of the dues is applied to the membership in the National Organization of Multiples of America and includes a subscription to the National newsletter, Notebook 

Ready to join?  Great!  

Step 1- 

Please fill out this form.  

Step 2- 

You will receive a link to pay your dues within 1 week.  You have the option to pay via paypal or mailing a check to:   RAMOM- PO BOX 8503; Richmond, VA 23226  

Step 3- 

Once you pay, please GO HERE to request membership in our member's only FB group!