An evaluation of
Ramla's Projects
in Hunza

A critical review of "Ramla's Projects", a consultancy firm operated by Rmala al'Aalam

Ramla Akhtar on Ramla's Projects website :
"We have two broad projects areas (themes):
• Education —by which we mean know-how, self-development, practical skills
• Subsistence—what keeps us up and alive: nutrition, health and vitality, appropriate technology, community
A third area of projects is reconsidering and re-evaluating everything. It can be called Continuous Improvement, Feedback and Revision, Code Rewriting, or some such thing(s)."

Why are we here?

Ramla's projects has experienced serious problems. Until further notice, please act with caution. There are converging indications that this entity might a scam. We are now trying to solve the issue. If you have witnessed a faud or if you know of a spoiled victim, please report it to us. we will do our best. Thanks for your understanding and help.

Ramla's Projects locations

Until the year 2020, Ramla's Projects was located in Gojal, Upper Hunza Valley. Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, had a small herbal shop, "BetterBonds" as a cover activity in Gulmit next to Hussaini Suspension Bridge until she was expelled by the village community, due to clashes with local elderly people. She went to Gilgit after new fights with local people she returned to Pakistani lowlands. She stays, nowadays (2021) in Rawalpindi, next to Islamabad, from where she is still actively posting on social media. There is no information about any actual or professional activity from here.

Gulmit, Gojal, Hunza Valley


Ramla's Projects in Hunza, on Pinterest