Dr. Bilal Philips delivers a powerful lecture explaining about effects of fasting; the outer effect (fast of the body) and the inner effect (fast of the soul), and why it is important to ensure that the goal of Ramadan is put in its right place.

As human beings we cultivate relationships throughout our lives. From the day we are born to the day we will die our lives are surrounded by multiple forms of relationships. Some are formal, some are necessary while others are casual . We have relationships with our friends, relationships with our work colleagues, relationships with our neighbors, and relationships, even with our pets but why is there a need to have a relationship with a book that is fourteen hundred years old and for many of us in a foreign language? This is the question! For the answer listen to the lecture and pray for the Shaykh.

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In this lecture Mufti Abdur Rahman shares some advice on the Secrets of Ramadanic Success. And how one should spend their time wisely and to ask for barakah in the months of Rajab and Shaban to finish off any ongoing projects to help to take full benefit of the blessed month of Ramadhan.

The month of Ramadan is only weeks away inshallah and the IC wants to help you be ready for it. For the second year, join us each Wednesday night as Imam Khalid Latif presents a different topic each through lecture and interactive exercises tailored to make sure you get the most out of your Ramadan inshallah. Topics will include, but not be limited to,:

While appreciating the Chairman of the Chapel, Comrade Debo Adeniji and his executive committee for finding members of the 2023 Ramadan Committee worthy of the assignment, the Committee Chairman enjoined all members of NUJ as well as the general public to find time to attend the lecture, saying that they would benefit immensely for doing so.

This lecture was delivered by the president of the Local Council of the Ulemas of the prefecture of the El Fida-Mers Sultan districts, Mohamed Mouchane, under the theme "The virtue to hold fast to the sold Rope of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet", inspired by the Hadith Al-Sharif reported by Imam Malik and in which the Prophet Sidna Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him, said: "I have left two matters with you. As long as you hold to them, you will not go the wrong way. They are the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet."

The lecturer pointed out that this Hadith Al-Sharif bears the imprint of the power of synthesis specific to the words of the Prophet, pbuh, noting that the Hadith exhorts to cling to the Quran and the Sunnah and calls to conform and follow their ways.

Regarding the Sunnah of the Prophet, the lecturer said that it is one of the foundations of the Islamic religion and the second source after the Holy Quran, adding that the Sunnah is closely related to the Holy Book since it interprets its general rules, elucidates its general concepts, specifies what the Quran has not detailed and delimits the precepts that have been dealt with absolutely.

At the end of the lecture, HM the King was greeted by Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Houssein, Grand Mufti of Al Quds and Palestine, Hassan Ben Mohamed Safar, professor at King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia), Mokhtar al-Mufti al-Hosni, professor of Hadith at Al al-Bayt University (Jordan), al-Hajj Ole Naado, president of the Supreme Council of Muslims in Kenya, and Benjamin Erol, a member of the Supreme Council of Religious Affairs in Turkey.

This lecture was delivered by Tanzania's Mufti Aboubakr Zoubeir Mbwana, under the theme "The symbolism of the Commandery of the Faithful and its presence in the religious thought of the Ulema of East Africa: Tanzania as an example", inspired by the Qur'anic verse "O you who have believed, obey Allh and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you." (Surah an-Nisa)

At the beginning of the lecture, the speaker stressed that by His grace and benevolence, Allah made us Muslims, illuminated our path through the Quran and guided us to the path of obedience to those in command, to ensure the interests of the Ummah, under the wing of the Great Imamate.

The logical manifestation of this is the consensus of the sages that no human society can be established and no stability can be achieved without Man submitting to an Imam who takes care of his condition, manages his affairs and guarantees his tranquility, the lecturer said, adding that the practical manifestation of this lies in the Commandery of the Faithful, adopted by Omar Ibn Khattab, and perpetuated after him by the caliphs of the Muslims.

Given the fact that most of the African ulema belonged to the Acha'ari doctrine, the Commandery of the believers occupied a central place in their religious and theological thinking, explained the lecturer.

Join us for a great couple of lectures on Surah Kahf. This Makkan surah covers lessons from the people of the cave and the stories of the encounter between Musa (AS) and Khidr.

Shaykh Subhan Dalvi will cover the tafsir of this Surah over two evenings after Asr. Join us for some real drops of wisdom.

King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and Prince Moulay Ismail, chaired, Thursday at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, the third religious lecture of the holy month of Ramadan.

At the end of the lecture, the King was greeted by several scholars who attended the religious lecture. These include Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Houssein, Grand Mufti of Al Quds and Palestine; Hassan Ben Mohamed Safar, professor at King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia); Mokhtar al-Mufti al-Hosni, professor of Hadith at Al al-Bayt University (Jordan); Al-Hajj Ole Naado, president of the Supreme Council of Muslims in Kenya; and Benjamin Erol, a member of the Supreme Council of Religious Affairs in Turkey.

Among the daily virtual Ramadan lectures, The World Muslim Communities Council Council organized, on Wednesday April 14, 2021, a virtual lecture entitled "Lights of Obedience in Ramadan", in which Sheikh Dr. Salim Alouane, Secretary General of Dar Al Fatwa (Supreme Islamic Council in Australia), spoke via the council's social media pages.

Angela Smith, Roger Mudd Professor of Ethics and Professor of Philosophy, said in an email that Ramadan was chosen as the inaugural speaker of the Mudd Center lecture series because of his work in connecting religious and secular arguments.

Ramadan addressed this notion of controversy by reminding the audience at the outset of his lecture of the debate surrounding its topic, noting the different forms, traditions and religious references ascribed to equality.

In the Q&A session after Ramadan's lecture, an audience member asked a question about his personal view of homosexuality. Ramadan responded by saying that disagreement is the starting point of a pluralistic society.

He holds an MA in Philosophy and French literature and PhD in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the University of Geneva. In Cairo, Egypt he received one-on-one intensive training in classic Islamic scholarship from Al-Azhar University scholars. Through his writings and lectures Tariq has contributed to the debate on the issues of Muslims in the West and Islamic revival in the Muslim world. He is active at academic and grassroots levels lecturing extensively throughout the world on theology, ethics, social justice, ecology and interfaith as well intercultural dialogue. He is President of the European think tank: European Muslim Network (EMN) in Brussels. e24fc04721

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