Experience as Teaching Asistance

  • Varsha 2020 - Classical Mechanics at IISER TVM (PHY111).
    [Course Instructor - Dr. Manik Banik and Dr. Joy Mitra].

  • Vashant 2021 - Electrodynamics at IISER TVM (PHY121).
    [Course Instructor - Dr. Manik Banik and Dr. Joy Mitra].

  • Varsha 2021 - Mathematical Methods at IISER TVM (PHY311).
    [Course Instructor -
    Dr.DR D. V. Senthilkumar].

  • Vashant 2022 - Thermodynamics at IISER TVM (PHY221).
    [Course Instructor - Dr. Manik Banik].

Course Instructer

As a mandatory responsibility of the PMRF fellowship

Unit 2 - Thermodynamics(Heat and Thermodynamics), 2nd semester, Iqbal College, Kerala (May 2022 - present).