Exploring Life and Spirituality in Jesus



Humility is a difficult word. When we seek it we find we lose it. If we ignore it, then all the insecurities, lusts, envies and exaggerations of the soul that have been with humanity from the fall become our playground of life. Jesus' way of humility is a by-product of truly seeing ourselves as God names us. The oceans can remind us of our humble reality


Love is an "anything" word in today's world. We define it for our own convenience as we live among other fallen beings. Yet the way of love is the way of Jesus. He is the jealous lover of our souls who pursues to redeem us. We can receive from Him and give love to others.


Sacrifice is a difficult concept. We abhor loss. We labor to gain. True sacrifice is a willingness to labor without the guarantee of gain. Jesus models the way of sacrifice ... all the way to the cross.