Executive Function

Executive function is an umbrella term for the goal-directed processes that are essential for success in school and life (e.g., thinking flexibly, goal setting, organizing materials and ideas, prioritizing, self-monitoring and self-checking) 

The crucial role of executive function processes begins in the preschool years and increases as students progress through middle and high school when they are expected to master complex skills that involve summarizing, note-taking and writing. Success depends on students’ ability to plan, organize and prioritize tasks, materials, and information, separate main ideas from details, think flexibly, memorize content and monitor their progress. It is important to help children to understand how they think and learn, and to teach them to use strategies in five major executive function areas. 

We offer a curriculum that allows our professionals to instruct students to use executive function strategies. The curriculum utilized is  research-based and  meets the needs of diverse learners and are applicable across grades and content areas (e.g., math, English, science, and social studies).