Bio Sketch

I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Physical Science and Engineering Division at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. I graduated from the Centre for Atmospheric Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. My research interest are varied and are mainly focused on cloud and convection parameterization, uncertainty quantification, weather and climate prediction.

The main focus of my research is to improve cloud and convection representation in climate and weather models, and hence reducing biases and uncertainties in tropical precipitation with a focus on Asian summer monsoon (ASM). I use process-based stochastic and various deterministic approaches to better represent the interaction between large-scale and small-scale  organized convections and improve the simulation of ASM, MJO, and planetary-scale equatorial waves, leading to improved prediction/projection of important climatic features on a range of time-scales from subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) through interannual and multidecadal.

Field of Expertise

Weather and Climate Modeling

Tropical Climate and Asian Monsoon

Uncertainty Quantification and Bayesian Inference


Climate Model Development and Improvement

Climate Model Validation and Verification

Cloud and Convection Parameterization

Weather Prediction on Subseasonal to Seasonal Time-Scale

Contact Details

Room No. 4335-CU08, Building 1

Division of Physical Science and Engineering

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Thuwal - 23955, Saudi Arabia


Tele: 012 8080636 (office)