Raju Ahammad


Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)

Welcome to My Personal Website

This webpage is managed by Engr. Raju Ahammad who is currently serving as a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET. All the course material, class lectures, notes, slides, and class test marks will be uploaded on this website regularly.

Hi there!

Greetings, I am Raju Ahammad, currently working as a Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET. I completed my B.Sc. Eng. (ME) degree from the same department of KUET securing First Class 1st position in 2020. Now I am pursuing M.Sc. Eng. degree from the Dept. of ME, KUET. I completed my HSC from New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi, and I completed my SSC from Carew’s High School, Darsana, Chuadanga, Bangladesh.

I was born and raised in a small beautiful village that is surrounded by green trees and a river called Mathavanga. Teaching is my passion and hobby, so I am super lucky to have a chance to engage myself in academia. Besides this, I love reading books and traveling.

As a beginner in the research sector, I am trying to expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Numerical Analysis and Computations, Aerodynamics, Engineering Mechanics, Thermo Fluid Analysis, and Machine Design. I have a little experience in Industrial Automation(PLC, SCADA, DCS) and Robotics, so, I am trying to expertise in these sectors too.