Postdoctoral ResearcherCenter for Energy Research (CER), Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California San Diego
E-mail: rabansal[at]ucsd[dot]edu

About me

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Energy Research at the University of California San Diego, under the guidance of Prof. Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez. I received a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, where I worked with Prof. Dennice Gayme and Prof. Enrique Mallada. I also had the opportunity to work with the Grid Operations and Planning team at the Electric Power Research Institute, advised by Dr. Nikita Singhal and Dr. Erik Ela. Apart from this, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in ME from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 2016, working with Prof. Arvind Kumar. Before Johns Hopkins, I worked as a Market Analyst at Credit Suisse investment bank in Mumbai from 2016 to 2018. In 2015, I interned with Abraham George in the Engine Systems Analysis group at General Electric Transportation.

My research lies at the intersection of optimization, control, graph theory, and game theory which assists with the market design of evolving multi-timescale electricity markets. Specifically, I focus on designing markets for energy storage that take into account degradation and resource incentive opportunities in a two-stage settlement market. I have also analyzed resource integration at the ISO level from a future resource mix perspective, such as hybrids, renewables with storage, with EPRI. My interest lies in utilizing theoretical and data-driven methods to understand market design beyond electricity markets and developing learning-based methods to improve market clearing while ensuring resource incentive compatibility.

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