Experiences and Skills

Current Employment

National Post Doctoral Fellow (N-PDF)

April 2024–present

I joined as a N-PDF  at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, IIT (BHU) Varanasi and working on a "Sustainable Wastewater Treatment of Piggery Wastewater" project

Past Experiences

Research Associate III

June 2023–April 2024

I joined as a Research Associate III  in a "Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property" project at the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Indore. In the project, I work on water policy. My role involves in-depth research on emerging water technologies, and fostering collaborative partnerships. I focus on translating innovative solutions into actionable policies, contributing to the sustainable management of water resources.

Associate Project Engineer

March 2021–June 2023

I joined as an Associate Project Engineer in a project entitled "Implementation of AICTE Funded Projects in the Technical Institutes of North-East India" at the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati. My job in this project is to investigate water-related issues at NER institutes and assist them in developing solutions. I examine the institute's site, review their detailed project report, and evaluate the installed water treatment plants.



Department  of  Civil  Engineering, 

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India 781039


Department  of  Biosci.  &  Bioengg., 

Indian  Institute  of  Technology  Guwahati,  Assam,  India  781039.

*References are available only on request.