Working Papers

Quadratically Normalized Utilitarian Voting , with Marcus Pivato, 2024  View PDF 

Abstract: We propose a new voting mechanism in which voters simultaneously report their von Neumann-Morgenstern (vNM) utility functions across multiple decision problems, each of which has a finite number of alternatives. Each voter must report a real-valued \valuation" for each alternative of each decision. Each voter's valuation vector is rescaled to have unit magnitude (where this magnitude is measured using a specially constructed quadratic form). We show that it is a dominant strategy for each voter to reveal her true vNM utility function. With a very high probability, the mechanism selects the alternative that maximizes a weighted utilitarian social welfare function. The mechanism does not use money, and does not assume quasilinear utilities.

Works in Progress

An Incentive-Compatible Utilitarian Voting Procedure for Permanent Citizens' Assemblies, with Marcus Pivato, 2024

Collusion in Quadratic Voting, 2024