20 January-09 feburary 2023

My Learning Diary (Inservice Cource)

 Day 1 , 20/01/2023

Ice breaking ,objective of the Course by DC  sir

Effective Implementation of KVS Library Guidelines and Procedure Manual 

Learning Outcome - I learned that how to develop a working framework for the effective Library services 

Changing Role of School Library and Librarians

By Mr Mujib Rahiman

Learning Outcome :-

The traditional role of school librarian has changed. New technology and changing expectations are causing librarians to reimagine how they support students and teaching in a fast-moving environment. 

Day 2


IPR, Copyright & Plagiarism 

Learning outcome -being the Librarian we should know that The act of stealing another person's intellectual property (IP) which includes ideas, inventions, original works of authorship, words, slogans, designs, proprietary information, etc 

Role of Librarian in Career Guidance 

Learning Outcome -:  awareness about different careers among the students and librarians towards career development activities 

Creation of Digital Portfolio  

Learning Outcome : How To Make A Digital Portfolio ·it is a platform where we can  Introduce yourself and your work· 

Learning outcome : we learn that  virtual library might include: eBooks; content you've curated from the internet; digital content created and shared by members of your school community . 


Strategies to Improve Reading Habits  

Learning Outcome :  Here we learn various  strategies to improve reading habit of students and teachers 

Library Activities/ALAP 

Learning outcomes :  Here shri Y K Jain Sir introduce  an  annual library activity plan , so that we can conduct Various Libary activity in our school in proper manner 

Web-based Tools for School Library 

Learning outcome : Shri Rahiman Sir introduce A big list of web tools and took hands on session about some web tools like -Padlete ,wakelet,google site


Primary Classroom Library Management 

Learning Outcome : we learn impressive way of primary class room library by conducting various activities like - word hunting,designing develop a story  ,scrap book

Library Records Management 

Learning Outcome -: Here we learned how to manage Library records  and registers since it is a mirror to show our work , when we manage library records in proper way we always be presentable  

Library Blogs 

Learning Outcome -:

 here we knew that  Blogs are ideal for disseminating all types of information chosen by the  Librarian , for commenting, expressing opinions among the students and teachers 

Learning Outcome - If a Librarian is an active communicator become more ready to facilitate access to information. 

Demo Presentation by Participants 

From the day demo presentations   were started by Participants


Librarian -Teacher Collaboration 

Librarians, in their role of curriculum collaborators, should be aware of, and keep abreast of, the curriculum and courses offered at the school. They should collaborate with the teaching staff to provide the best possible material for teaching and learning in all areas. 

NEP 2020 and School Library 

NEP-2020 has provided more value to the libraries of all levels, public and academic libraries. The new policy focused on infrastructure, services and the working of the libraries. The new policy also includes Information Communication Technology (ICT) digital, online, unique kinds of facilities and services to all types of readers of the nation. 

E -resources 

Here we learned importance  of E Resources for students and teachers 

eg.kavita kosh,pdfbooks.ourhindi.com

Creation of Virtual Library (MR) 

We got a hands on session on Creation of Virtual Library with google sites


Artificial Intelligence in Education ( MOHAN DIXIT, KV 5 Gwalior ) 

 We Learned that  hwo AI brings the ability to have 24/hr access to teachers and lessons anytime, anywhere. AI can be used as an educational tool that guides students 

some AI based tools for education are -Gradescope,Brainly

Inclusive Education (JPS) 

In this session we learned that Meaning and importance of AI 

Inclusive education is the most effective way to give all children a fair chance to go to school, learn and develop the skills they need to thrive. Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the same schools 

Open Educational Resources for Joyful Learning (NK PACHAURI 

 in this session A big list of Open Educational Resources and their uses were introduced 

Library Advocacy (NK PACHAURI, KV OEF Hazratpur ) 

We learned that why should be a library advocacy , to support teaching learning activities,to create a link between students and teachers 


Life Skills (TUM ) 

 we learned that Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. 

Book Club/Readers’ Club (YKJ

in this session we learned that how we can develop reading habit among students and teachers by making ''BOOK CLUB'',and we discuss about book of munshi Premchand's Book "बड़े भाईसाहब"under the book club activity

Awareness on Cyber Security and Internet Safety (MR) 

We learned that being a Librarian how we can aware  library users about Cyber security and internet uses such as we should never share our personal information on the any platform 


On that special day we did श्रमदान willingly and enjoyed  very much with the instructions of DC Sir



in this session we learned about various important points of POCSO act

 इस कानून के जरिए नाबालिग बच्चों के प्रति यौन उत्पीड़न, यौन शोषण और पोर्नोग्राफी जैसे यौन अपराध और छेड़छाड़ के मामलों में कार्रवाई की जाती है। इस कानून के अंतर्गत अलग-अलग अपराध के लिए अलग-अलग सजा निर्धारित की गई है। 

School Safety (JK) 

Sir tought us that" School Safety" has been defined as creating safe environment for children, starting from their homes to their schools and back. This includes safety from any kind of abuse, violence, psycho-social issue, disaster: natural and manmade, 


KVS Flagship Programmes (Mrs. Sangeeta Yadav, Principal, KV Aligunj ) 

Mam told us about various  KVS Flagship Programmes Ex ..

Storytelling in School Library (YW

in this session we learned that hwo we can teach students by story telling

ex . kids learn moral values by पंचतंत्र stories 

Gender Sensitation


 Gender sensitization is extremely important as it helps employees feel valued and cared for within the organization 


Mental Well-being of Students and Teachers (Ms. Leena Vig) 

व्यक्ति मनोशारीरिक प्राणी है। मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य का अच्छा होना नितान्त आवश्यक है। इसलिए अध्यापकों को अपना स्वास्थ्य अच्छा बनाना चाहिए जिससे वे विद्यार्थियों को अच्छी शिक्षा प्रदान कर सके एवं बच्चो को भी उनके अच्छे स्वास्थ के लिए जागरूक बनाये  


Effective Library Management Strategies 1: Collection development, Records Management (NC 

In this session we learned that we should always procure books and reading material after receiving requisition  from students and teachers ,collection should always  be of interest to the readers

Effective Library Management Strategies 2: Stock verification, Condemnation (YKJ) 

We learned various methods of stock verification ,it should be very carefully it is a very important to update library collection and write off process 


Social Media for School Library (MR) 

We learned about social media for schools, these are platforms  for disseminating all types of information chosen by the  Librarian

eg. Youtube,facebook,


KVS Code of Conduct/Service Rules (DC Sir ) 

In this session we learned about Minor and major Penalties under the KVS Code of Conduct/Service Rules


Information/Digital Literacy (NC) 


Library Newsletter (MR) 

Work Ethics and Positive Attitude (YKJ ) 


Teaching Research Skills

for Students


Continuous Professional Development for Librarians
