

General Population:

Only 2.1% of the general Mythological population has been found but unable to fit within the categorization system set in place by human world leaders on Earth, and about 5.3% are unknown oddities on Enastros Noctis. These creatures who cannot fit anywhere within the TWCS (click here for more info on the TWCS) are kept under strict watch by human world leaders and governments/provinces. Since they cannot fit within the TWCS they are considered oddities, or abnormalities. However none of these oddities have shown any signs of aggression thus they haven't been exterminated yet.

These abnormalities are singled out when they show signs of mythological/supernatural powers of multiple different creatures, or have powers that simply don't belong to ANY singular Mythological Creature. Though many show highly destructive powers that could endanger all races and beings on both Earth and Enastros Noctis, they simplify their powers to help and aid the human race. Many of these oddities even work for/with the human world leaders and governments/provinces due to their highly influential/threatening powers.

The Case of Blair Silvano:

The case of Blair Silvano is very particular. He alone is by far the most powerful and dangerous unknown oddity within the 7.4% of the unknown population. Despite his powers and influence on both Mythological and Human races he chooses to be a Circus Ring Master for a living rather than use his influence to help run both societies on both planets. He made it clear to all the world leaders that he had no interest whatsoever in leading either world, but he made on ultimatum which has been on record since he proclaimed it on world wide television on both Earth and Enastros Noctis: "This separation between two peoples is barbaric, yet very entertaining. Shall we watch who will rise above the other first? Dare to set any unfair rules to the game and see what happens. Humanity will lose the one thing Pandora didn't lose upon opening the box: Hope. So don't propose an ultimatum unless you're prepared to face the consequences."

Since this proclamation both races have been on the brink of war, forever anticipating who would make the first move on the chessboard.

Unknown Characters

Original Characters:

To read more about my Unknown OC, click here to view the list of characters and click on the link below his name to read more about him.