

General Population:

Also dwelling within the Mythological population are those who are NOT Mythological Creatures whatsoever. Instead, they are genetically-modified creatures built on the sole purpose to be weapons. These creatures are man-made in secret laboratories as to not upset the one "thing" humanity fears most: Blair Silvano (click here to learn why humanity fears Blair). These weapons are built molecule by molecule, piece by piece, test by test. They are tested and modified so if they are ever captured and tortured, they are numb to all the pain and have one objective: complete the mission or die trying. Each weapon has a poison capsule stuck in the back of their teeth so if they are ever captured they simply bite the capsule and die by their own means without letting the enemy extract any information. Though they used to be publicly advertised, since Blair's appearance the advertisements ceased and were then publicly banned in ALL governments and provinces on both Earth and Enastros Noctis. However, many governments had made significant progress so they continued their research in secrecy from the world thus evading their biggest obstacle: Blair.

The Case of Laverna:

In the case of Laverna, a man-made weapon, they are the only model/prototype to escape a lab and begin to live their life in peace away from the horrible tests and experiments. They project themselves as a sixteen-year-old female Cave Elf (as most of their features is based on the Cave Elf race) and live their life under the protection of a new found foster brother Tyr Vali, the last of the Woodland Elves from eons ago. Laverna was the ninth model of a newer type of genetically-modified weapon, thus their left arm was branded accordingly with the Roman number nine. As previously stated, Laverna was the ninth model of their newer line of weapon and was the only one who passed every test and experiment before managing to escape with the help of the one who created them. The scientist had created them with the same genetics as requested from his higher-ups, however he did not follow the requests that would shape Laverna's personality and emotions. They did not have a poison capsule implanted in their teeth and they weren't numbed from any feeling whatsoever, though when the testing came after her time in the cryogenic tube they felt everything. Their white hair was the result from all the excruciating tests and experiments.

Their features are solely based on the hope that they would instill fear into their enemies before ultimately killing them and extracting anything that needed to be returned to their base of operations. The scientist responsible for the creation and escape of Laverna burned all his work and tools in the hopes that the higher-ups would never be able to create more of Laverna's kind ever again. He died along with the fire to keep all possible knowledge out of the government's hands.

Other Characters

Original Characters:

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