
Together For A Better Community


Workout Videos

We will keep adding health and fitness resources here. The exercises range from high knees to lunges to a stretch and are 5 to 20 minutes long so you can workout at your own pace.

We recommend doing two to three videos everyday (preferably including the Cardio and Full Body videos) to stay fit. Please don't forget to frequently hydrate yourself with water.


Beginners Workout

This video is an amazing workout for beginners, start with this for a few weeks and once your comfortable move on to our more intense workouts.

Intense Cardio Workout

This is an intense cardio workout that will leave you sore the next day. Even though this may be challenging at first we encourage you to keep a steady pace and do this workout once a day along with one ab or arm video.

Intense Abs Video

This is a quick & effective abs workout. Do this with the Stretch Workout below.

Advanced Stretch Video

This video has different stretches that we recommend to keep your body as fit and flexible as possible.

Abs Workout Video

This workout video has a variety of exercises ranging from planks to high knees that work the core area of the body. We recommend completing this whole workout everyday.

Legs Workout Video

Our legs workout video works the quads and hamstrings areas. It is a hard workout and will work your legs to the max!

Arms Workout Video

The arms workout contains exercises like pushups and tricep dips. Completing the whole workout without a break will make you feel sore after, but it conditions your body in the best way!

Full Body Workout Part 1

The full body workout video is the longest workout video and, therefore, the hardest.

Full Body Workout Part 2

In this video, we focus on cardio exercises to build a sweat and burn off calories. Push through!

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