In basic terms, the two things needed for precipitation are moisture and lift. Temperature profiles and landmasses can also affect how much rain a region gets. Mountains can have a significant effect on rainfall.

When air reaches the mountains, it is forced to rise over this barrier. As the air moves up the windward side of a mountain, it cools, and the volume decreases. As a result, humidity increases and orographic clouds and precipitation can develop. When the air descends the leeward side, it warms and is drier because the moisture in the air was wrung out during the ascent. This area with a lack of moisture is known as a rain shadow.

Rain In The Mountains Pdf Free Download


While this effect can occur near any mountain range, one of the more prominent areas where it can be observed is in the Sierra Nevadas. Many times, these mountains can be snowcapped while just to the east Death Valley can be hot and dry. Below is a look at snow in the mountains from satellite.

Differences in plant and animal life exist between the leeward and windward sides of the mountains as well. In the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin regions, for example, plant life varies significantly. On the windward side, the abundance of precipitation allows for tall coniferous trees and giant sequoias. Further east on the leeward side, plant life consists of bristlecone pines and sagebrush. Plant life is less dense here as a result of lower precipitation. Animal life also varies between the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin. Across the Sierra Nevada, animal life such as mountain beavers, black bears, wolverines, and mountain lions are common. Further to the east across the Great Basin, some of the animal species characteristic to the region include the king rattlesnake, northern goshawk, and the chuckwalla lizard.

While all the mountain ranges in the Northern Hemisphere are seeing the shift from snow to rain, those at greatest risk of extreme rainfall events are the North American Pacific mountain ranges (the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and coastal ranges from Canada to Southern California), the Himalayas, and high-latitude regions. Researchers will need to conduct more work to understand why certain regions are at higher risk than others.

Ombadi hopes that fellow climate scientists will incorporate the distinction between snowfall and rainfall to improve global climate models, and that civil engineers and planners will use the data to better prepare for intense rain events.

Their findings were not all good news, however. Levels of ammonium from fertilizer have more than doubled in rainfall in this area between 1984 and 2017, indicating a need to continue monitoring this agricultural chemical and its effects on the mountain ecosystem.

Niwot Ridge is one of 28 Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network sites in the U.S., funded by the National Science Foundation. Its 4 square miles stretch from the Continental Divide down to the subalpine forest, 25 miles northwest of Boulder. Researchers at CU Boulder, as well as Colorado State University and the United States Geological Survey, have been collecting data here since the mid-1970s, hiking through snow, sleet and rain to get it.

Can't Catch a Break (or a Raindrop)

Death Valley faces a double-whammy of being located in the rain shadow of the Pacific Coast Range AND the Sierra Nevada. This is why Death Valley is one of the hottest, driest places on Earth.

Contrary to common belief, rainfall itself has limited energy to melt snow. Rather, it is the warm temperatures, strong winds and high humidity, which can transport substantial energy in the form of latent and sensible heat, that predominantly drive snowmelt during rain-on-snow events.

To predict whether a flood will occur requires knowledge of weather and hydrological conditions. It requires knowing the soil moisture and snowpack conditions before the storm, the elevation at which rain transitions to snow, the rainfall rate, the wind speed, air temperature and humidity, and estimates of how those factors contribute to snowmelt. Additionally, each factor varies in time during a storm and varies in complex ways, especially across a mountainous landscape.

This is why rain-on-snow floods are characterized as compound extreme events. Despite the extensive damage they can cause, it may be surprising how little is known about how they vary in time, spatial extent and intensity.

The lower elevations have primarily seen rainfall rather than snow, so there is less snowpack to melt. And in the highest elevations, colder temperatures promote the continued accumulation of deep snowpack and rainfall is less likely.

So, will projected increases in precipitation extremes and winter rainfall increase rain-on-snow occurrence and the associated flood risk? Or will less snow cover and larger soil moisture deficits reduce rain-on-snow flood risk in a warmer climate?

A series of storms will continue to impact Alaska through the weekend. A storm tracking across the Southwest providing rain and snow, will spread into the central/southern Plains with accumulating snow expected. This system tracks along the Gulf coast Friday then into the mid-Atlantic region this weekend. Heavy rain across the South and Southeast, snow for portions of mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Read More >

Scientists already expect climate change to increase the volume of water falling during extreme events (which typically take place over a few hours to a day), but this study is the first time researchers have looked at whether that extreme precipitation comes as rain or snow. They found that the fraction of water falling as snow decreased in mountainous regions, falling instead as rain -- making mountains particularly susceptible to extreme rain hazards. They even put a number to it: For every 1 degree Celsius increase in the global temperature, researchers expect an average of 15% more rain at high elevations.

"This increase in rainfall extremes is not only something that is going to happen from now until the end of the 21st century -- we're already seeing it," Ombadi said. "That same rate was also evident in the data from 1950 to 2019. Rainfall extremes in mountains have already been increasing, and will continue to change with that 15% rate."

While all the mountain ranges in the Northern Hemisphere are seeing the shift from snow to rain, those at greatest risk of extreme rainfall events are the North American Pacific mountain ranges (the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and coastal ranges from Canada to Southern California), the Himalayas, and high-latitude regions. Researchers are still working to understand why those areas are at higher risk than other mountain ranges such as the Rockies or the Alps.

"We think that North American Pacific mountain ranges are more susceptible to the risk of rainfall extremes than other mountain ranges because a significant portion of snowfall in this region typically occurs at temperatures just below zero degrees Celsius," Ombadi said. "The slightest change in air temperature will shift this snowfall to rainfall. This is unlike other mountain ranges where snowfall may occur at very low temperatures below zero degrees."

"We need to factor these results into how we design and build the infrastructure in these mountainous regions, so that they can withstand the negative consequences of increases in rainfall extremes," Ombadi said.

"Our findings revealed a linear relationship between the level of warming and the increase in extreme rainfall: For instance, 1 degree of warming causes 15% more rain, while 3 degrees leads to a 45% increase in rainfall," Ombadi said. "There are many technologies in progress that could help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how much the planet warms. To me, this study shows the need to invest in those clean solutions, and also start preparing for the consequences of warming now."

Rain Mountain has neverhad a huge kennel facility and never will. Chinooks like to be withtheir people.For twenty years the Chinooks and I lived in Kirkland, a suburb ofSeattle, but in fall of 2008 we moved north to a gorgeousproperty covered with woods of old cedars -- known as the Slug Ranch-- situatedequidistant between the towns of Arlingtonto the south, Mount Vernon to the north, and Stanwood to the west (tothe east is just mountains until you run into Spokane).They do make a great suburban pet, so please don't feel that you needtomove to the Great North Woods to have your own Chinook. Here, the dogsenjoy running through the woods and hunting miceunder the leaves. But theydid these same activities in our former suburban backyard.They think they should be allowed to sleep on my bed inthe comfort of the house at night, which is why I limit the number ofChinooks I livewith to no more than can fit on my bedroom floor (and bed). Typicallythatmeans four or five primary dogs and a few visitors.All pups are born here in the house and spendtheir first nine weeks underfoot before venturing to their own homeswhere they are likewise are catered to and loved.

A warming world is transforming some major snowfalls into extreme rain over mountains instead, somehow worsening both dangerous flooding like the type that devastated Pakistan last year as well as long-term water shortages, a new study found.

So as warming causes rainier extremes, society is going to have to choose between cutting water use because of low water levels in reservoirs to absorb a possible large sudden mountain runoff event or build expensive new reservoirs, Williams said.

Keetch and Byram (1968) designed a drought index specifically for fire potential assessment. It is a number representing the net effect of evapotranspiration and precipitation in producing cumulative moisture deficiency in deep duff and upper soil layers. It is a continuous index, relating to the flammability of organic material in the ground.

The KBDI attempts to measure the amount of precipitation necessary to return the soil to full field capacity. It is a closed system ranging from 0 to 800 units and represents a moisture regime from 0 to 8 inches of water through the soil layer. At 8 inches of water, the KBDI assumes saturation. Zero is the point of no moisture deficiency and 800 is the maximum drought that is possible. At any point along the scale, the index number indicates the amount of net rainfall that is required to reduce the index to zero, or saturation.

The inputs for KBDI are weather station latitude, mean annual precipitation, maximum dry bulb temperature, and the last 24 hours of rainfall. Reduction in drought occurs only when rainfall exceeds 0.20 inch (called net rainfall). The computational steps involve reducing the drought index by the net rain amount and increasing the drought index by a drought factor. 17dc91bb1f

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