getting grants

a series of exercises to find, apply, and receive support for art making;

the first iteration is hosted by The Acacia Collective in-person, and Discord virtually

presented by raia

1: collecting Content - May 17th

Pre-session activity: collect yourself!

  • artist bio, artist statement, CV, portfolio, website; do you have one/some of these? it's okay if you don't :)

  • during our discord session, we'll answer a core question:

    • Where is a place funding bodies can get a snapshot about you and your projects?

Action Item: please bring last used version of any of the above documents to our session on Monday, May 17th, 2021

2: Concepts + Ideas - May 24th

Pre-session activity: what's up 2022-2027 ?

Action Item: take 5 minutes to free write ideas and projects that are on your mind for the future, and related to your arts practice

  • during our discord session, we'll share one or more of these ideas that are percolating. Here are some of raia's kookiest/funnest examples to get you started:

    • visual art - anti-colour wheels, aka art related to questioning, breaking, and re-imagining social constructs

    • film - Perilousless-ness! - a parody game show in honour of Alex Trebek, a great Canadian (in raia's opinion)

    • dance - infinity dancing - collaborative art making through simple dances with family and friends around the world (and a bit of making fun of Dad via parody songs)

3: Contextualizing - May 31st

Pre-session activity: google grants.

Action Item: Head over to resources and check out our grants databases. Make a list of the databases that serve you and your art form. When you're done that, extend your search by considering your content (ie. previous experience) and concepts (ie. project ideas you have for the next five years)

4: Contouring proposals - june 7th

Pre-session activity: opportunity checklist.

  • out of our shortlist, pick one opportunity.

  • make a checklist of what's required to apply.

  • then, assess whether or not you have these items: (a) easily available, (2) needs a quick edit, or (z) serious rework/starting from scratch.

5: Content - adjective - june 14th

Pre-session activity: mentally arming thyself.

Action Item: getting rejected does not feel nice. saying no to an opportunity is equally tough. no one said any of this was easy! this week, we'll discuss a bit more about how to address the confidence gap (ie. the gap between ones ability, and how one sees their ability). We'll share some skillbuilding opportunities (will be in Resources; coming soon!), and we'll have an open session for questions and feedback.

6: Bonus = Grant sharing - june 21st

Pre-session activity: submit questions, help others