3: Context

May 31st, 2021 ~ 5pm EAT/10 am EDT

Plan of Action - May 31st

  • 5-10 mins - Pre-session activity: what databases worked for you?

  • 30 mins - Exercise 4: Make a shortlist, pick a grant, and go for it!

    • Opportunity Pass System:

        • (a) One minute: eligibility checklist/deal breakers - if ineligible, move on.

        • (2) Five minutes: does the grant align to my future goals? do I have resources (artist bio, statement, cv) prepared that can work?

        • (z) In this coming week, allocate time for grantwriting: make a list what needs to be done, and when do I have capacity to complete it?

    • Raia's personal tools + tips

        • dedicated time for (a) search, (2) eligibility check, (z) comparison across opportunities, (*) actually applying

        • apply in cycles: can be the end of the month (that's when a lot of deadlines often cut off, though that can be stressful!), or one day/a few hours a week

        • keep track of "successes," acknowledge (then move on!) from rejections (I tend to read through all correspondence, and I archive rejections so I don't get reminded of a 'loss,' while it's fresh, but can go back to review notes/feedback, if any.

          • success = a lot of things. Initially, it was getting shortlisted for opportunities. I was really shocked that my ideas were fundable at first. Then, I also try gamifying it, where in January 2021, I enjoyed keeping track of 'successful' attempts applying. I found it cumbersome to maintain, and I was also keeping track of what I reviewed, versus what I actually ended up applying for. In May 2021, I'm really liking this google site + weekly session to talk about grants. It's helping me angle towards opportunities I wouldn't have considered last year, or even six months ago. Thank you!

          • more on this, next week!

  • 5-10 mins - What's next week?