
I have learned so much about both Unity and Programming with C# Over the course of 2 years by constantly making new projects that challenge me to do more.

Last Hope

GMTK jam has always been fun to work on, this year I made a Mech Piloting game which was totally out of control! (That was the theme..)

GMTK Jam 2020

I made a parsing system for combination of button presses to perform certain actions on the Mech.

It was a funny throwaway game that I really enjoyed making!

The Wurst Buy

The Wurst Buy is a simulation parody game based on Black Friday sales.

SAC Hack!

I did some of the programming for this one, mostly fixes to existing code and the level generation. I also did the game design entirely.

I Exist

The latest GMTK jam, I participated by myself for once and managed to make a small puzzle / stealth game in under 48 hours. It was hard work, at the end I only managed to get around 400th place. But it is one of my proudest achievements!

GMTK Jam 2019

This was an especially insightful learning process. Since the jam had such a high level of people entering, I got amazing feedback and got to talk to a lot of fellow developers.

I am still looking for more feedback so please try the game and let me know!


A game about a rock trying to find its way back home. I did all the programming for the game, including making dynamic particle systems based on the parameters of a in game mechanic. The game was quite easy on the programming side so I gave myself a little challenge which helped me get more out of the learning process!

Mini Jam 33 : Underwater

I was working both days of the jam and had forfeited my in any of the ideation and design of the game. Doing so I was ready to go in as a programming slave to do my masters bidding. This jam reviled to me the biases people have towards certain things in the creative process and how they effect the game over all. We went out to make something similar to getting over it with Bennett Foddy and ended up somewhere close but not where I think the game was originally headed. Upon self reflection it made me realize all the times I had altered the state of many of my projects. At the end I'm still very happy with all the work I've done so far and I'm still constantly learning new things which is my goal!

Butterscotch shinanijam

For this jam our team consisted of 3 programmers, playing to our strengths we decided to do a 1v4 asynchronous multiplayer game! Struggling to learn a depreciated we managed to make a functional product in just 48 hours! This was really hard to do but with the support of my team it made learning how to do it my core priority. Having other people who can do the things I usually did really took the workload off.

Dead By Santa

The video explains most of it, but in short the game is about naughty kids who didn't get any gifts from Santa for Christmas. So they are trying to ruin it for the rest of the world. The core mechanic of the game is voice recognition. The kids of a library of swear words to pick from, curtsy of Wikipedia lol. The more they swear the faster they run! Santa has a similar mechanic.

We did however fall into the trap of making a multiplayer game for a jam. It got next to no ratings and the ones that were on there were from people who din't find any matches. Regardless of the feedback, or the lack there of, this was one of the best experiences I've had with a Jam!

Captain Naisc

Finally another week long game jam with a big and competent team. Everyone worked together like clockwork and we pumped out a polished ready to release game in just 7 days.

The game is not another space invaders clone(Nasic). It was not the idea that I personally wanted to make for the jam, given it's duration we could have accomplished a lot more. But going with the safe option allowed us to put in a lot more polish to the game.

Blackthornprod Game Jam #2

This was my first time working with another programmer. Having another set of eyes really helped power through a lot of the problems that we encountered.

I'm looking forward to making more games with this team. Things are looking quite good :D

Global Game Jam 2019!

How many game jams does it take to screw in a light bulb? 1 but the light bulb should be small enough to fit!

This was my 4th game jam and building on what I learned from my previous experience we kept the scope of the game small and finished! The team size was much larger than I've ever worked with which caused a lot of problems but It was an important experience which I learned from greatly. At the end of the day, key takeaway is that we finished the game. It is one of my proudest accomplishments!


The theme of the jam was "What is home to you". This was a very subjective theme and lead to a lot of different opinions coming forward from our team of 7 people! Big groups have their problems. But we managed to pull through!

The game is simple, you play as a parent doing chores around the house before the kids come back home in time for supper.

Day Dreamers

The theme for the jam was a sound effect! How crazy is that?! It was a old service bell sound and it was really interesting to see the ideas that came forth from the team. All so drastically different and all games that I would love to make.

We decided on a visual novel style game where the player unravels a sinister treasure hunt sparked by an shady group calling themselves DayDreamer.

We made a simulation of a smartphone and used is as our playground for this game. It was a very different experience making a game entirely in the UI layer with Unity.

Games factory jam 9

With each jam I attend I see exponential growth. This jam was the most fun I've had in a jam yet! Perfect team size. Well defined roles. Good communication and management! We had it all! But we bit off more than we can chew and ended up just short of the experience we wanted to deliver.

We did come 2nd place still which is extremely satisfying on it's own. But the dread of not being able to finish in time stuck with me. It's an experience I've learned a lot from and I hope I never forget this jam <3

Key take away, scale the project down!

JimJam #2

The 2nd game jam. Still a lot of mistakes made but we were very close to finishing. A lot of things broke at the end due to pressure and I did not have enough experience to implement all the features in the limited time allowed.

The theme for the jam was Oroborus and we came up with a great narrative plus the pixel art was masterfully done. The game play functionality was missing where the different endings pop up depending on your score.

Key take away, not enough knowledge on how to execute all mechanics required for the game.

2 Minutes to midnight

Space Jam

The very 1st game jam I ever did. it was a week long jam but we did not have an artist. It was just me and my best friend trying to make a game for the fun of it. We ended up with a big game that the two of us could never finish on our own it took us 4 days to make the functionality that is demonstrated in the video. At that point we knew it was too big for us to handle. So we ended up stopping because of it.

We made great progress still and the amount of work I did in 4 days back then is something I can do now in a matter of a few hours so it was a huge stepping stone.