Rahul Poundarik

Uber Planetary

Uber Planetary is an interstellar taxi driving game.

This was done for our capstone project along with 4 other classmates.

Sandwich Recreation

I recreated this game from the app store for the purpose of learning. It was a very enjoyable process which I wish to document in the future.

Play it here!

3D models done by Diogo Azambuja.

I also created a google cardboard version in 2 days! With a slightly different mechanic.

About me

Hello, I'm Rahul. I'm a 25 year old programmer.

I have two years of industry experience ranging from porting, mobile, VR and even some research work.

Currently, I am a contractor at Meta Reality Labs. Working with prototype hardware to create new experiences in extended reality.

Previously I worked at Bloom Digital as a full-time programmer. I ported one of Bloom's existing games to mobile, along with development on an unannounced project!

In my free time, I do a lot of Game Jams. Please check them out!

I write clean code that is easy to read and iterate upon quickly, as demonstrated by the projects I've made on my GitHub. I am able to create scalable systems by abstracting my code and applying appropriate design principles.

Much like programming, designing systems of mechanics is very rewarding for me. I aim to deliver feedback to the player which they can understand at a glance. I am able to come up with user stories for my projects effectively by watching playtesters and analyzing them with player psychology models such as Self-determination theory and the BIG 5(OCEAN).

You can reach me at r.poundarik@gmail.com

Or add me on discord FTWRahul#0515