
Published Papers

Policy Commentaries

Book Chapters

    • Transitioning to No Poverty. In: Transitioning to Sustainability Series. Ed. by Isabel Gunther and Rahul Lahoti. MDPI Books, 2020 (Forthcoming).
    • The Middle Muddle: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Global Middle Class, published in Toward a Just Society: Joseph Stiglitz and Twenty-First Century Economics Edited by Martin Guzman, 2018. (with Arjun Jayadev and Sanjay Reddy) [Working Paper Version].

Working Papers

    • Pandemic, informality, and vulnerability: Impact of COVID-19 on livelihoods in India, CSE Working Paper, 2020 (with Surbhi Kesar, Rosa Abraham, Amit Basole and Paaritosh Nath)
    • Gender Gaps in Ownership in Sub-Saharan Africa, Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 8573. Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group, 2018 (with Isis Gaddis)
    • Inequality - Worldwide Trends and Current Debates, Courant Research Center: Poverty, Equity and Growth, 2016 (with Stephan Klasen, Sebastin Vollmer, Sophie Ocmann and Nathalie Scholl).
    • Who Got What, Then and Now? A Fifty Year Overview from the Global Consumption and Income Project, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, 2015 (with Arjun Jayadev and Sanjay Reddy) [also published in Courant Research Center Series, New School Working Paper Series].
    • Measuring Personal Wealth in Developing Countries: Interviewing Men and Women about Asset Values, The Gender Asset Gap Project Working Paper Series, 2013 (with Gender Asset Gap Team).
    • Individual Property Rights and Bargaining Outcomes: Evidence from Intra-Household Asset Data, Indian Institute of Management Working Paper Series, 2012 (with Hema Swaminathan and Suchitra J.Y.).
    • Women's Property, Mobility and Decision Making: Evidence from Rural Karnataka, India, IFPRI Discussion Paper, 2012 (with Hema Swaminathan and Suchitra J.Y.).
    • Individual Asset Holding Patterns: District Level Estimates from Karnataka, The Gender Asset Gap Project Working Paper Series, 2011 (with Hema Swaminathan and Suchitra J.Y.).